Example sentences of "[n mass] [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At Hawes there are shops , cafes , pubs , a rope works , the biggest sheep mart in the Dales and a cheese factory where the traditional Wensleydale cheeses with their distinctive mild flavour and crumbly flesh are made .
2 What real difference would £250 make to us ?
3 Likewise Guinness has established a substantial operation in Edinburgh to manage its distilled products , even though its headquarters remain in London .
4 At least sheep trot about doing their own unpleasant things well out of sight of the farmhouse kitchen window , and can be brought home by a couple of mad , slavering collies and a man with a whistle .
5 Head towards Gennargentu and look down over the vast , untamed terrain where sheep graze among herbs and shrubs .
6 Sheep graze within view of the house and also a herd of Aberdeen Angus , and a number of horses , some with foals .
7 ( iii ) Most sheep graze throughout their lives so that pasture contamination with nematode eggs and the intake of infective larvae is almost continuous and modified only by climatic restrictions .
8 Livestock stocking densities are substantially higher ( 40% in 1979/80 ) in Powys than in Cantal ( though sheep predominate in the former and cattle in the latter ) .
9 Away from a purely stylistic assessment , the square has great merits , the presence of students locally ( there is another section of the University here ) having resulted in a range of fine restaurants , take-away delicatessens and sandwich bars which the visitor to the centre will find delightful for offering a real Milanese touch to the menu at an affordable price .
10 But there 's no evidence that a penny has been actually paid — or that Varsov International , whose headquarters appear to be somewhere in the Caribbean , even possesses £5 million . "
11 A surprising number of accidents and incidents happen because pilots are in some way not 100% fit on the day in question .
12 Soleto 's murder ( July '36 ) = opportunity , save fatherland , restore order , failed ( all army did n't follow Franco , Mola + Sanjurjo 18th July '36 , Alzamiento ) Anarch/Social militia rally to govt. — war .
13 Here , the potato cod congregate in one area , attracted by the possibility of food .
14 In both the large national surveys and the smaller scale studies , data tend to be collected and analysed at a household level ( for example , Bradshaw and Holmes , 1989 ; Ritchie , 1990 ; DE , 1990c ; DSS , 1990b ) .
15 The fry hatch on the fifth day and about 3mm long .
16 The fry hatch in 24–48 hours , depending on the temperature of the water and are free-swimming on the third or fourth day when their first food should be rotifers , liquid fry food or other small foods , followed by newly-hatched brine shrimp .
17 The fry remain in the streams for a few weeks , feeding on the flush of insects and crustaceans that appear in the warming waters .
18 After about four weeks of generous feeding , the fry change from fish shaped to Angelfish shaped .
19 All single-engine , high performance , military aircraft fly with a degree of inherent risk .
20 Light aircraft fly into the nearby airport full of commuters who make sophisticated value judgements on the place .
21 Should one of the fry slip from the nest the male will catch it in his mouth and spit it back into the nest .
22 It then turns to examine evidence which illuminates the economic circumstances of households , drawing out what these data suggest about families headed by Asian and Afro-Caribbean parents .
23 It would be niggling to say that where a writer has used assistants his data cease to be primary , but it would also be foolish to ignore the fact that the more people there are involved in a project , the more opportunities there are for errors to creep in .
24 In view of the limited time available before the scheduled date for Advance Data Capture for Council Tax purposes I will ask my secretary to set up a meeting to discuss this document and Council Tax structures and staffing levels in a couple of weeks time .
25 Also , no hard data appear to be available giving a detailed breakdown of costs and savings associated with this new form of technology and work organisation , and it appears that , although there is spare capacity at Kalmar in the form of a second , as yet unworked , shift , when the new 760 model car was introduced in 1982 a new assembly line using conventional technology was set up for it at Gothenburg .
26 Algora managed to sell them his idea for a multi-media show about VR , and The Memory Palace was born .
27 For example , in a table showing the highest temperature in each month in a country , a question phrased " When is it hottest ? " has to be interpreted as " Which month(s) has the highest temperature ? " ) — computational requirements ; ( Any requirement to process data spread from a table , no matter how easy , increases difficulty ( e.g. doubling , subtraction ) ) .
28 Again , their data consist of clean small sets of attributes .
29 Cartographic data consist of digitized maps , that is , maps which have been converted to numerical form by the process of digitizing , which was described in Chapter 4 .
30 Proven and probable reserves are estimated quantities of commercially producible hydrocarbons which existing geological , geophysical and engineering data show to be recoverable in future years from known reservoirs .
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