Example sentences of "[Wh det] had [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Their entry into the Town Boys appeared to rest not only on the fact that they had gained reputations but also on their ability to maintain such reputations in the absence of the symbolic dress and tokens of status which had assisted them in the past .
2 The catalyst for the Democrat civil rights bill was the decision in 1989-90 by the newly-created conservative majority on the Supreme Court to reverse five key rulings , each of which had assisted minorities to press employment discrimination law suits .
3 According to official messages , the ‘ modernisers ’ still had the upper hand and the reform programme was set to continue in spite of the economic and social problems which had troubled the leaders throughout 1988 .
4 The decision was an uncomfortable one which had troubled Ministers over several months and caused dissension in the Labour Party .
5 From 1943 onwards , Los Angeles began to experience increasingly frequent episodes of a brownish , hazy , irritating and altogether mysterious new kind of air pollution that was more persistent than , and quite different from , the instances of smoky fog which had troubled major urban centres from at least the mid 1800s onwards ( Krier and Ursin , 1977 ) .
6 He pointed to different sections which had discoloured almost in a wavy pattern .
7 Both President Menem and Mr Gonzalez scorned the endlessly complex theories which had plagued economic policy in Argentina for decades , persuading one government after another to impose controls on everything .
8 Regarding the strikes , disputes and restrictive practices which had plagued the Dublin plant , these were all unfortunate legacies of the British system which had been foisted upon the Irish since before the First World War .
9 Within an hour he would be prostrate with an attack of the headache which had plagued him since youth , but it did not matter .
10 By the mid-1920s the disunity which had plagued China since the 191 1 revolution showed some prospect of ending as the Nationalist party , the Guomindang , consolidated its control over large areas of the country .
11 The solid state seemed more complicated ; and because of the problems of purity , which had plagued Crookes in his work on lanthanum and its congeners , it was very difficult to get consistent results with interesting elements like selenium .
12 Whereas the massive unemployment which had plagued the interwar period has at least served to keep the lid on money wages , the switch to Keynesian policies , with their emphasis on the objective of maintaining full employment , might open a Pandora 's box of inflationary money wage claims .
13 Only the 13 legalized opposition groups which had participated at the conference were allowed to put up candidates .
14 Meanwhile , several governments which had participated in the US-led coalition against Iraq now sought to assure Iran that there was no plan to exclude it from post-war regional security arrangements .
15 The results were , however , contested by 14 of the parties which had participated in the elections .
16 He had obligations to the universal episcopate which had to act in harmony for the unity of the church .
17 Highlander was thus free to devote time to other issues which had assumed a growing need .
18 SLORC , the military junta which had assumed power at the height of 1988 's political unrest , allowed a general election to take place in May 1990 for a Constituent Assembly which would be charged with drafting a new constitution .
19 On May 1 Capt. Valentine E. M. Strasser was named as chairman of the National Provisional Ruling Council ( NPRC ) , the body which had assumed control of the country after a successful coup against President Joseph Momoh on April 30 [ see pp. 38552-54 ] .
20 The security problem remained acute , not least because the Royal Ulster Constabulary , which had suffered grievously in various shootings and bombings , was clearly seen as a Protestant ascendancy force .
21 He referred , of course to British Rail which had suffered a drop in investment of £180 million .
22 Its designated area lay at the heart of one of the most economically depressed cities in Western Europe which had suffered a massive withdrawal of private capital during the previous three decades and endured a series of political traumas in the process ( Parkinson , 1985 , Figure 3.1 ) .
23 He had inherited four major outlets : in New York , Paris , London and Rome , all of which had come through the war intact , all of which were in prime locations , and all of which had suffered from neglect .
24 After Mortimer 's condemnation Edward granted pardon and restitution to the families which had suffered at his hands in 1329 and 1330 .
25 No small group of favourites emerged to monopolize access to the king or royal patronage : even the Hainaulters at court attracted little of the obloquy that surrounded the Savoyards and Henry III 's court , and the families which had suffered forfeiture in the political violence between 1322 and 1330 were gradually restored .
26 Six weeks later the town , which had suffered heavily from the bombardment of English cannon , capitulated .
27 The core of the Octobrist party , which had suffered major defections to the Right , and a new Progressive party , led by a group of Moscow industrialists , moved close to the Kadets , who in turn intensified their opposition to the government .
28 In quite a different category from any of the above , this military formation was a successor to the 14 Grenadier Division der Waffen SS ( Galizien ) , which had suffered very heavy losses at Brody in July 1944 .
29 Four city regions were chosen for detailed study : Clydeside was selected as an example of an area which had suffered persistent economic decline and social malaise , the West Midlands as an area of ‘ faltering growth ’ , the Bristol region as an example of relatively successful adaptation , and London where the two contrasting areas of the inner south-east and the outer south-west were selected .
30 This was achieved despite a decline in output in the great grain-growing provinces of Liaoning and Jilin , which had suffered severe drought earlier in the year .
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