Example sentences of "[vb infin] over the " in BNC.

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1 Yet she did compromise over the budget at Fontainebleau in 1984 , signed the Single European Act in 1986 , and accepted the Delors proposals for budgeting and agriculture reform in 1988 .
2 An image flitted into her mind : she saw herself plunge over the edge of that black pit and tumble helplessly through the dark .
3 When ‘ scarce anything [ was ] more likely to mar a … man 's reputation than to be thought opposed or indifferent to the cause of abolition , but when slavery was a distant and foreign institution , the urge to respectability could predominate over the vital flame in antislavery .
4 In a number of situations the costs of the products will be a basis for setting prices , e.g. where the market price does not predominate over the pricing decision , as in the case of a monopoly or an oligopoly .
5 Many priests have said they 'll resign over the issue once the legislation is given Parliament 's and the Queen 's assent .
6 His soul would have no repose and would hover over the place , flying through the night .
7 In this form he would hover over the battlefield , dipping down to engulf enemy troopers , to consume those like fat in a furnace so that their smoke would rise up as incense into Dorn 's amber nostrils and by way of that conduit across time and space — beyond mortality itself — into the God-Emperor 's seared olfactory lobes so that the Divine Person would pause for a microsecond in his eternal scrutiny of the cosmos from his golden throne and would exclaim inwardly , ‘ What sweet fragrance is that ?
8 If the bolts were responsible , then a further question mark will hang over the future of the industry .
9 Grim prospects do hang over the heads of black school leavers and the research of Gloria Lee and John Wrench does much to nail down the specific ways in which employment opportunities are much narrower for the black kid seeking apprenticeships in industry ( 1981 ) .
10 For the increasingly health conscious , from weight watchers to environmentalists , Japanese food is ideal , being healthy and nutritious , and will win over the traditional health foods which have a boring and monastic image .
11 They believed success could win over the students and other intellectuals .
12 Few were surprised that the whole exercise did not win over the Stock Exchange .
13 The rhetoric of equal opportunity could not finally win over the entrenched interests in a broad-meshed filter , a crude sieve for the child population .
14 I could jump over the side .
15 Several options exist ; the text can jump over the graphic , flow round it as a regular shape or , under user control , flow around irregular objects .
16 Can I just say then that I think either it 's got to be blocked completely so they ca n't jump over the bridge , or it 's got to be unblocked .
17 may jump over the dog ,
18 ( Robyn scans the front-page headline of the Guardian , ‘ LAWSON DRAWN INTO FRAY OVER WESTLAND ’ , but does not linger over the text beneath .
19 We will not linger over the fiction of popular representation … let us rather see what is the substance beneath the various forms of power in the governing class .
20 There is also the additional hazard that if the rope breaks at the towplane end , it may fall over the glider , causing damage .
21 ‘ But wo n't they fall over the milk-crates ? ’ a teacher asked when it was proposed that two young children with severe visual problems should join the reception group .
22 Roy shrugged off his own coat while still sitting , letting it fall over the back of his chair .
23 The comfort is that thanks to continental Europe 's recession and the Bundesbank 's slow trimming of interest rates , most European bond yields should fall over the next year , increasing the appeal of gilts .
24 The sense of urgency conveyed by the ‘ Look out ’ indicates the expectation that the pram , complete with baby , will fall over the cliff and perhaps be dashed on the rocks beneath and it is further assumed that this will be-deleterious for the baby .
25 ‘ Now , let them fall over the cloth , ’ Azmaveth said , ‘ from a height of two handspans . ’
26 She did n't fall over the wheel and she did pass her test .
27 He says I 'm gon na fall over the blooming stuff if you keep mov it 's nice so is n't it ?
28 Might fall over the wire .
29 Something you could buy over the counter at a supermarket .
30 There are several effective preparations you can buy over the counter , in the form of pleasant-tasting drinks or tablets .
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