Example sentences of "[is] that in " in BNC.

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1 The fact is that in the world of switch-mode power supplies ( and it is a very large world indeed , covering PCB , mainframe computers , electronic telephone exchanges , military equipment , aerospace , and more besides ) it is rare to come across a Cuk converter .
2 An awkward truth though is that in the twentieth century some of the most committed political criticism has come from conservatives , like Eliot and the Southern Agrarians .
3 In short , what happens is that in England — and here one does mean England , rather than Scotland or Ireland — the non-academic makers and moulders of literary opinion are judging poetry by standards which are sixty years out-of-date .
4 The only difference , as any apple-cheeked country solicitor will tell you , is that in boundary disputing the only winners are apple-cheeked country solicitors who collect large fees from pushy incomers unable to live at peace with one another .
5 The only difference is that in the 1950s and the 1980s the Conservatives had more than 10 years to cure the ills of the economy while in the 1970s they had but four .
6 The official justification is that in Bali the company could work with local performers and learn to ‘ shift our centres of gravity away from the head , down into the centres of our bodies ’ .
7 The second weakness in the Government 's position is that in an important respect it is ambiguous .
8 The moral is that in special circumstances ‘ little crime ’ can be exciting , and the opportunity for ‘ real ’ police work can be missed unless one remains prepared .
9 The main difference is that in music publishing the company 's interest is predominantly in the music and the lyrics — the written song or composition — rather than the recorded sound .
10 The main advantage of a limited company is that in general only the company and not the individual is liable for the business debts .
11 One of the uses of understanding how this transform of the city and savage theme continues in Eliot 's work is that in seeing how this primitive countryside ( like the animistic rose-garden ) connects with London 's metropolitan world , it becomes apparent that there is a political aspect to the Four Quartets .
12 Another , related , charge against the players is that in their dress violations they — again like the ‘ street ’ transvestites — transgressed the natural and fixed order of things by wilfully confusing distinctions which it was thought imperative should be kept distinct , especially within the categories of rank , class , and gender .
13 What Coetzee 's work suggests , and it is a pity he does not pursue this point fully , is that in Britain before 1914 the potential fragmentation of the political right was contained .
14 perhaps the truth is that in the field of economic policy , Keynes 's preference for a managed economy aligned him with the new Liberals : hence the handsome tribute he paid to J. A. Hobson , in spite of the fact that he regarded him as mistaken .
15 An overall difference of impression between Marx 's notes and Engels 's book is that in the case of the notebooks Morgan 's framework is totally subordinated to Marx 's wider concerns , while in Engels 's book we get the impression that Morgan , for great chunks of the book , actually takes over Engels .
16 The present situation concerning the question , under which circumstances do states arise , is that in all honesty most anthropologists would hesitate to generalize .
17 The trouble is that in Britain our women are expected to behave like servants , and we are not used to behaving like servants and we ca n't .
18 The answer is that in the years when Minto was in her fall vigour , Lewis 's flow of words was limited .
19 The schemes are locally run on a franchise basis , by voluntary organizations , schools or employers , and the hope is that in the first phase , up to 1993 , 10,000 people aged between sixteen and twenty-four — immediately dubbed ‘ Charlie 's Army ’ by the press — will join full- or part-time programmes of about twelve weeks .
20 ‘ The problem here is that in West Germany we have an increasingly split labour market , ’ Mr Brauninger explained .
21 The trouble is that in economics the likeliest result often fails to turn up .
22 Mr Robinson 's one consolation is that in Tobago , his fief , Indian voters are rare .
23 The snag is that in countries with persistently high inflation hardly anyone holds paper money ; instead they put all earnings in index-linked bonds or interest-earning savings accounts .
24 The problem , Dr Sagdeev points out , is that in some cases government ministries and departments still have control .
25 The trouble is that in 1982–90 the yield was not high enough .
26 One of his regrets is that in four series against West Indies his record is very ordinary — one innings in which he took eight wickets , but little else of note — and he is aware that not having proved himself against the best team in the world will be held against him when reputations come to be assessed .
27 The fact is that in some countries there is more than one party affiliated to the Socialist International .
28 A much admired memorial is that in Lichfield Cathedral dedicated by Sir Francis Chantrey to ‘ The Sleeping Children . ’
29 The limited ‘ defence ’ of mistake about the girl 's age , available to young men under 24 , was explained above , and the reason for creating such a limited ‘ defence ’ is that in general it has been held that the crime does not require any fault element as regards the girl 's age .
30 Another judge-made rule is that in Tyrrell ( 1894 ) , which provides that a person can not be convicted as a party to an offence if the offence was created for the protection of such persons .
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