Example sentences of "[to-vb] here [that] " in BNC.

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1 We are trying to suggest here that academic enterprise may be useful as long as it is placed in its proper social context .
2 It is probably prudent to suggest here that as the war progressed , especially after mid-1944 until the end , aircrew generally throughout the Command — and more especially in the Pathfinders — improved enormously , First of all starting in 1944 the loss factor was diminishing and once ground forces were proceeding to recapture and liberate large portions of Europe , the sortie value was debased and it was quite common for no one to bother to consider the 60 sorties as cut-off for a Pathfinder tour .
3 It is important to emphasize here that we are discussing standardized behavioural norms and not private feelings or idiosyncratic behaviour .
4 It is not irrelevant to recall here that if one attempts to teach a dog by way of ostensive definition , it invariably responds by sniffing one 's finger .
5 ( It is useful to understand here that in the ancient middle east pearls were among the most precious of gems and were highly esteemed as personal ornaments .
6 I think you have to appreciate here that what we are doing is mainly therapy .
7 I would like to add here that after the PM 's announcement and the start of the siren wailing there was a dignified stroll to the shelters , but as the tempo of the siren note seemed to get more urgent the pace quickened and no one wanted to start a sprint but I , being a scrum-half , anticipated this and was in the shelter first .
8 Amis also likes to write , as Larkin liked to write , about the fear of death , and it may be that this fear can be detected in the failure to notice here that both sorts of people are subject to it , as to other unavoidable misfortunes , and that both sorts die .
9 It is important to notice here that Freud is talking about a part of the ego as being built up from the social and cultural surroundings , but that the whole ego is not built up in this way .
10 It is sufficient to notice here that speaking in tongues is one of the gifts of the Spirit to his people ( I Cor. 12:10 ) , and that the primary purpose is to enable the recipient to pray to God from the depths of his being and not merely from the conscious levels of his mind .
11 For example , without wishing to go into the debate about the Bishop of Durham s well-known views — and I want to say here that on the resurrection and virgin birth I take the traditional teaching of the Church — I am concerned when speakers are ignorant of some of the critical insights which have given rise to the Bishop 's well thought-out views .
12 It will suffice to say here that while most people retain quite substantial and reliable memories of their own everyday lives in childhood and young adulthood , and also of the key turning-points in middle and later life , both fleeting and peripheral experience is much more rarely remembered .
13 Suffice to say here that its effects on film and television studies is most evident in the split between ‘ textualists ’ and ‘ contextualists ’ , the former emphasizing textual analysis and the position of the spectator , the latter more concerned with contextual inquiry and the role of the audience .
14 Suffice it to say here that the law in this area has been roundly condemned by the courts as being of ‘ inordinate complexity exceeding the worst excesses of a taxing statute ’ .
15 Suffice it to say here that a payment which is large in relation to salary is unlikely to be viewed as falling within the first category .
16 The history of the Friesian in the UK is given in the British section and the full story of the Holstein type is given in the American section : suffice it to say here that the Holstein originated from Dutch black-and-whites imported first of all by Dutch settlers in the New World during the second half of the nineteenth century .
17 I have to say here that I honestly do not know whether such experiences are examples of genuine recall or figments of the dreamer 's imagination .
18 Suffice it to say here that the centrepiece of that part of our discussion will be the idea that normality and psychosis are essentially continuous with each other and that healthy varieties in thinking style and the disposition to psychotic breakdown substantially overlap , indeed may be identical .
19 Suffice it to say here that , during enculturation , individuals acquire , first , an image of themselves as helpless and dependent in a hostile and malevolent world that it is largely beyond their ability to control and , second , a set of habits and expectations that lead them to seek and expect aid and comfort from others in times of distress .
20 Suffice it to say here that teachers today feel themselves to be pulled , both by external forces and by their own internal beliefs , in several incompatible directions .
21 Suffice it to say here that the word ‘ feudal ’ is used frequently and loosely in relation to Japan , and this use has been based either on the existence in Japan of certain features associated with European feudalism , such as a military code of honour , or on a specific interpretation of the relations of production in Japanese society before the late nineteenth century .
22 It is enough to say here that the opposition was successful and that Henry had to withdraw the levy , blaming Wolsey for its inception .
23 Right , next one is poison must get a move on cos we 're running a bit late so as we 're going to poisons later I 'll just go on to say here that there 's four ways poisons can get into the body .
24 Suffice it to say here that unemployment rates in all advanced industrial societies rose substantially during this period ; the optimism of the 1950s and 1960s was replaced by general pessimism about future economic prospects in individual countries and in the world in general ; and all this after a period of unprecedented growth in public expenditure on education and health in all advanced industrial countries .
25 The significance of this fact will be dealt with later ; suffice it to say here that the effect of the listing arrived at by the formulators of the received tradition is to raise this perfectly acceptable and important generalization to the status of an unbroken rule , to smooth away all complications and to present a perfectly articulated chain of Muftis , all of whom remained in office until their deaths .
26 Suffice it to say here that the evidence to support the general proposition that higher taxes undermine the work ethic is largely inconclusive .
27 Suffice it to say here that all modern central heating boilers can provide domestic hot water via an indirect hot water cylinder or , with a combination boiler , instantaneously .
28 Suffice it to say here that one can define a quantity E(k) , where k is the magnitude of the wave number , such that
29 If the idea is familiar to you , you may like to note here that proportions can also be expressed in this way .
30 It is important to note here that its terms of reference precluded any consideration of the moral basis of either of the two areas to be investigated .
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