Example sentences of "[vb mod] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Because in the United Kingdom companies have not been influenced sufficiently , I believe , by the problem of rewarding their shareholders and therefore have tended not to pay enough attention to their stock prices , I am very must in favour of share option schemes .
2 I must in honesty , wonder whether the smaller , reduced unitary
3 In short , local authorities must not simply erect a standard speed-restriction sign , but must in addition equip the road with effective speed-reducing measures without eradicating the distinction between pavement and roadway .
4 Teachers of the deaf , partially hearing and blind must in addition have a specialist qualification , and many other teachers in special schools ( and increasingly in ordinary schools too ) attend in-service training courses on children with special educational needs .
5 His portraits must in turn be considered an important constituent in their power , as compensation for their more corporeal weaknesses .
6 And so decisions to exclude children from the National Curriculum must in turn be arbitrary in part .
7 This second phase ( 1945–56 ) must in turn be contrasted with the post-1956 , post-Stalinist phase during which the credibility of the Zhdanov line was slowly but irreversibly undermined , and the centre of gravity of Marxist cultural activity shifted away from orthodox socialist realism to a variety of experiments involving linkages between revolutionary politics and formalist experimentation at the level of imaginative writing , and between Marxist theory and innovations in the human sciences at the level of critical analysis .
8 If I wish to buy a manufactured object from a shopkeeper , the shopkeeper must first obtain it from a wholesaler , the wholesaler must then in turn obtain it from the manufacturer , who must in turn obtain components and raw materials from other suppliers further down the line .
9 Success of the PC as an engineering tool must in part be due to its expansion bus and the fact that nearly every type of facility can be found on a PC card .
10 Whether and how the brave new world of social care promulgated by government can be operationalized must in part be answered by reference to the experiences gained in field innovations of the kind we studied .
11 Faced with a wide range of demands and severe shortages of funding , they must make decisions about priorities , and in the last analysis the creation of a scheme of priorities for provision — though based upon a complex pattern of evidence about user requirements — must in part be the result of the librarian 's own judgement .
12 And this must in part have reflected a greater diversity among its patrons .
13 This exclusion of higher education from consideration by sociologists of education must in part be due to the fact that higher education is not compulsory ; it is perhaps difficult to argue that something which is a matter of choice can in any sense be repressive .
14 For of course , though the market is always sensitive to innovations , and must in part of its production promote them , the great bulk of market production is solidly based on known forms and minor variants of known forms .
15 They assume that there is a trade-off between labour-augmenting and capital-augmenting technical progress , and that firms maximize the instantaneous rate of unit cost reduction ( i.e. firms are myopic , or are able to appropriate returns for only one instant ) This ‘ innovation possibility frontier ’ captures the notion of choice but leaves open a number of questions , notably the determination of its shape and location , which must in part result from the deliberate allocation of resources to research and development .
16 It is assumed , in addition , that all significant propositions , irrespective of their truth or falsity , must in principle be explicable in terms of propositions about such entities as a condition of their significance .
17 We might very well take the view that " x is an F " must in principle be convertible into a knowable proposition , without thereby implicitly accepting that " ( Ex ) Fx " and " " x is an F " is convertible into a knowable proposition " are equisignificant .
18 In effect , where a firm 's customer is an intermediary dealing on behalf of his own clients , the firm must in principle treat the intermediary 's client as its own customer if it knows the client 's identity ( except where the firm is dealing with a market counterparty , see page 29 below ) ; in certain circumstances , however , the intermediary can be treated as the customer ( see below ) .
19 So the important thing about this is that you can not , you can not just say modern equals bad , and trad is good because you must in order to argue Paul examine the
20 It must in fact plunge into the heart of the matter in order to lay bare the fundamental conditions which made it all even possible .
21 Does this mean , as Hirst suggests , that the only concept of history must in fact still be the Hegelian one ? :
22 The condition relating to the operation , direction and control of the vessel meant that the orders for those matters must in fact come from the United Kingdom .
23 Thus , for centuries it used to be thought that even if a woman expressed her lack of consent in every way within her power , if she conceived as a result of the intercourse , she must in fact have consented .
24 Using the no boundary condition , we find that the universe must in fact have started off with just the minimum possible nonuniformity allowed by the uncertainty principle .
25 Furthermore , if equation ( 3.8 ) is true , then in equation ( 3.9 ) must in fact equal .
26 On the rose analogy there must in fact be violence done to beauty , it must certainly be destroyed before beauty can be made truly beautiful by the addition of scent or verse in their most powerful concentrated forms as perfume or sonnet .
27 It must in fact be fit and safe …
28 Any plate tectonics model of the Andes must in fact account for the uplift essentially in terms of vertical tectonics .
29 ( 2 ) If there are two or more causes of action and a payment in satisfaction is made for each separately , the notice must in respect of each cause of action identify it and give the figure applicable to it " stating " nil " if such be the case ( Ord 11 , r 1(5) ) .
30 MDC 's performance must in future be assessed in terms of its ability to work with local authorities and community groups and its achievements in bringing jobs and prosperity not only to its area but also to its indigenous population .
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