Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 When your mother dies you do n't know where to go or what 's going to happen to you .
2 Well he did n't know where to go or what happened .
3 and I looked at people , we were all saying why we waiting here , why we waiting and we saw people rushing off so we thought we 've got to rush off after them and we were all put on the train and sent to Charing Cross which was n't where most of us wanted to go or anything like we wanted to go
4 No point in buying fish extra if we know we 're gon na be , have to wait or something
5 Giving very young children too much choice over when to get up , what to wear or what they eat for breakfast can be a recipe for disaster — acrimonious arguments , delays and tantrums .
6 One way of allocating groups quickly and randomly , ensuring a good mix , is to ask the children to sit in a circle , allowing them to sit where they want , and then counting round the circle , giving each child a number — one to eight , then starting again .
7 Put it on a plate and find a quiet place to sit where you will not be disturbed by other people , by the radio or by the telephone .
8 bit here and I thought god that so I thought right I 'm gon na change places in that seat but your father 's sitting on , alright , I said go in that back seat , just behind us there were there or I said or I 'm just coming to sit where you are , I said I ca n't do four hours sitting like this , I mean I 'd have been boss eyed before I got , well I was I , I , all say look at that cloud
9 They did n't allow me to sit where I chose .
10 ‘ Do you have to sit where I can see you ? ’ he demanded .
11 I was trying to sit where I normally sit .
12 My , my sister- in-law , she w had to go in just before Christmas , had to rather suddenly she 's was diagnosed in the summer as having diverticulitis and they planned a sort of diet out to keep her really well and she was in terrible pain and they rushed her off for a scan and er she goes privately cos Vernon , I think actually his is BUPA that he 's in , he joined when it first came out and she wrote to me and she said oh I 'm , I just feel so lonely , there 's nobody to talk to , I 've got nobody to see or anything and she felt a bit cos she was n't really that ill
13 No as I say I have n't got much to lose or anything but I think it 's a trade that is worth protecting and er you know it 's not a trade er it 's a living for the people in n it ?
14 ‘ I understand it 's hard for the organisers because they have to go where they can find the biggest sponsor .
15 ‘ I understand it 's hard for the organisers because they have to go where they can find the biggest sponsor .
16 More and more people in South Africa want to go where they ca n't hear the screaming .
17 The motorhome will be the lucky winners ' base for the next two weeks , offering them freedom to go where they please to explore New Zealand 's unspoilt areas of breathtaking , natural beauty .
18 We guarantee nothing — wild birds are free to go where they wish and , though we can give them the best possible conditions , we can never be certain that they will stand in front of a hide !
19 And some of the great families had n't been too happy about nomes being able to go where they pleased , without having to ask permission .
20 lives or is that talking about they 've approached straight line that 's already there in heaven , in other words , the , the , you know that the understanding which I have it from this bible is er that seems to be suggesting that er that 's talking about apos the apostles ' lives before they died , our spiritual lives with brightest ones who have at that er point been made perfect by being prepared to go where they 're going
21 Then to go where they are , yeah ?
22 And that woman where we got Angela 's dress from , if er Karen 's peach dress does fit her , well at least Karen 's there to be able to go where we got Angela 's dress from .
23 ‘ Servants are not to go where their masters frequent . ’
24 How are the workers to be encouraged to go where their labour is most needed .
25 Here are some suggestions that you can follow : try to go where something is being done that you can either watch or participate in .
26 I 've used a balloon in Africa but you tend to go where it wants !
27 Why do they have to go where it says : Danger ? ’
28 Mr McCloy gave me a free hand to go where I chose , bar the two big outhouses .
29 colour this is not going to go where I want it to go .
30 ‘ Go As You Please ’ is just as it sounds , and with your unlimited 7-day bus pass and your 6 accommodation vouchers , which can be used at any of the Youth Hostels in Northern Ireland , you have the freedom to go where you want , when you want .
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