Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The final " Dawn " sequence then has the effect both of a reprise , closing the musical form , and of an ironic comment on the human tragedy which , when it is taken out of the public arena into the privacy of Grimes 's mind , actually passes out of the consciousness and memory of those who , only a few hours before , have been clamouring loudest for its execution .
2 The four found Mary and Reggie in the kitchen , eating properly off plates .
3 He was up on the podium , still a bit pale and puffy , but recovering gamely from her suicide .
4 AMA a magical realist adventure story is set in London , drawing successfully on African traditions .
5 ‘ He would have been cheering loudest out there . ’
6 It was more than a shock I put my head in my in my hand and I remember kneeling right at this spot and just crying my heart out .
7 There had been early ties between Aragon ( consisting loosely of Aragon , the county of Barcelona and parts of Languedoc and Provence ) and the papacy , and in 1204 , alarmed by the prospect of the Albigensian Crusade and the effect on his vassals in the Languedoc , Peter II submitted his kingdom to the pope .
8 It was not a historical accident that the sports in which blacks were overrepresented compared to their proportion in the general population were those demanding little in the way of equipment or facilities .
9 Scudamore interprets present-day embalming as ‘ a treatment consisting fundamentally of the injection of some suitable disinfecting preservative into the vascular system , augmented by the relieving of the blood from the superficial vein , and such cavity , cosmetic , and derma-surgery treatment necessary to achieve a pre-mortem appearance , aseptic condition and preservation ’ .
10 The type of frame you choose for your finished work is an entirely personal decision , based on your own likes and dislikes , but I would strongly suggest that you think about the type of frame you will be using right from the start of your work .
11 Because advertising revenue is now critical , a paper or TV channel catering successfully for the views of the poor or the unemployed would soon go bankrupt , whereas those meeting the minority tastes of the wealthy remain financially sound .
12 It was not until the following summer that Cadwallon surprised Osric 's forces and slew the Deiran leader , thereafter ravaging widely across Anglian territory and slaying Eanfrith when he came to sue for peace ( HE 111 , 1 ) .
13 The ROK armed forces were to be developed so as to be capable of handling internal dissent but the issue as to its capacity for reacting effectively to North Korea was side-stepped .
14 Antony rose to his feet and stood gazing intensely at her .
15 Anthony 's regular enquiries of his colleagues around Italy had at last borne fruit and Annunziata 's son had been discovered in a Roman hospital recovering slowly from serious wounds to his head and spine .
16 UNCITRAL likewise engages in widespread consultation , drawing widely on the expertise of practising specialists .
17 The growth of the liturgical movement , the lay apostolate , biblical scholarship , the need for Catholics to participate in democratic politics at least in order to protect Catholic rights , the urgency of collaborating locally with non-Catholics in opposition to Nazism : all this and much else had produced a profoundly altered consciousness within the more wide-awake parts of the Church by the later years of Pius XII 's reign .
18 Instead , by sticking inflexibly for instant PR , claiming all the credit for constitutional reform , and continuing to rubbish Labour , Paddy Ashdown did his own party , and the cause of constitutional reform , a disservice .
19 For a few moments she stood watching him as with quick little movements he fed himself , his sharp eyes darting suspiciously from side to side .
20 As he made his way up , feeling like a schoolboy with skimped prep , his eye caught , with a start of surprise , the rotund shape of Mr Kronweiser , eyes darting suspiciously in all directions , working at a desk .
21 Drawing nervously on his cigarette , a uniformed guard said : ‘ What shall I say ?
22 Male peasants in the fields wear their distinctive broad-brimmed straw hats , with their coats hanging loosely over their shoulders .
23 Arty was still asleep , one arm hanging loosely over the side .
24 Now he squatted , toad-like , by Berowne 's body , his hands hanging loosely in front of him , palely disembodied .
25 The form begins with the practitioner standing naturally , his feet shoulder-width apart and his arms hanging loosely by his side .
26 As the ground drifted up he saw the barbarian standing stock still , chest heaving , arms hanging loosely by his sides .
27 There was the largest hornets ' nest he had ever seen , hanging right in his path .
28 Continue working up the graph , row by row , again knitting right on the right and left on the left .
29 Like Jesus , they were , after all , devout Jews , working and preaching wholly within the context of established Judaic tradition .
30 Some of the common strategies deployed within lyrics , for instance creating the impression of the lyric 's reader as an intruder gazing voyeuristically into texts meant for private circulation , is one of the devices employed by poets to protect themselves .
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