Example sentences of "[num] i could " in BNC.

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1 If I wanted to do something like three add six I could put brackets round the three and round the six and it would n't make any difference .
2 And , it seemed to me that when I , as the er your representative on Provincial Finance Committee is asked to make a co , commitment for this , for this for er for nineteen ninety three I could say no better than what we had as out target this year and that was hard !
3 Even if you were only a few hundred miles away instead of a few thousand I could not leave her .
4 By the time I was fourteen I could n't wait to get away from that place and my mother took me to the hiring fair in the marketplace in Bishop Auckland .
5 It 's only this last day or two I could speak about him so .
6 Now he 's found , but if there 's a hope of getting to the truth about Sabine Jourdain in the next day or two I could linger . ’
7 For a moment or two I could neither breathe nor move .
8 well you know we 've been reading stories , little ones , that was only two I could find but there were n't any stories
9 By the autumn of 1989 I could see that the work I was planning more breeding and lecturing , was going to get very costly .
10 ‘ I could empty out this whole ward and fill it before evening with four new patients — four I could help , Jack ; four that need help and need it now . ’
11 In a study of his four published Song Books , I found that of the forty-two tunes I could identify ( four I could not ) , some 60 per cent are ‘ traditional ’ , mostly of rural origin ( the bulk Scottish ) , while only about 12 per cent come from comic music hall songs and about 25 per cent from bourgeois sources ( parlour ballad , light opera ) .
12 five hundred , five hundred I could only say he was n't , five o'clock last night he was no so he went to the one doctor , so to the erm what 's gon na happen when they when he , when they can go down the doctors that 's first of all go into this and after ten , twenty four hours doing this kind of thing for forty eight hours up .
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