Example sentences of "[num] i [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 If we do nt win 4–0 I will be disappointed .
2 and er , it was gone eleven I would of thought , anyway he stopped and I slept like a log , got up at twenty past six , but erm , it 's a strange thing because one of those came last evening and it parked outside George 's , now I said yesterday , when Alan goes to work , it 's not long after six normally to go up to London and that
3 Eleven I 'll
4 Next Friday at eleven I will go over it all again in the lecture .
5 Er Andrea , er it 's gone eleven I must n't detain you any longer .
6 You see I were born in nineteen hundred so that means to say that when it 's nineteen ninety eight I 'll be ninety eight , I think they did that so I could er reckon me age up more easily .
7 About half past eight I would feed my horse and then have my breakfast .
8 Ninety three A eight I would like to ask a question Mr Mayor .
9 In the early thirties I should think .
10 In section 4.5 I shall adduce evidence from the outer city that suggests that this view is correct .
11 In section 4.5 I shall use some of the findings of the doorstep survey and the outer-city community studies to inquire further into this .
12 ‘ By 9.30 I would have expected him to have already been at the dinner party , ’ Mr Reenan said .
13 If I had an order for thirty-six I 'd make thirty-seven , you know what I mean .
14 In chapter 2 I shall discuss this in an historical perspective .
15 Now I , I often gives in , in schools , and I particularly show that slide because as you can see it goes up to the year twenty forty er now I shall be a hundred and four in the year twenty forty I wo n't ask you to calculate what age you will be in the year twenty forty it might be quite large erm
16 Beth remembered how Maisie had said David Miller was ‘ going on forty I should n't wonder ’ .
17 10 I 'll Be Nice
18 Oh hundreds I would think , all of three hundred people .
19 Erm , I 'm in favour because I had a walkabout with therefore I would like to say on five point three the and on five point six I would like to say B can we just have some traffic calming on the boundary , such as Lane , Road ?
20 say we 'd be , you know , be fiddle around and get to ninety six I would then turn and say to them , I will give you five hundred pounds I will knock five hundred off that so that you can put in a proper shower tray and screen
21 Not six I would n't have thought , or ten you know I du n no but umm
22 If I wanted to do something like three add six I could put brackets round the three and round the six and it would n't make any difference .
23 One , two , three , four , five , six I can start buying now !
24 Anna ( 4.3 ) : When I 'm six I will be much bigger .
25 I saw one young boy , of thirteen I would say , have his leg broken by one agent — a brute of a man who grinned when the lad cried out .
26 In chapters 6 and 7 I would like to propose a characterization of grammar and language use which shows their interdependence .
27 and then I can take you home afterwards , see if it finishes at three I wo n't be home till quarter to four at the earliest
28 This is a magnificent record , thank you and and in nineteen ninety three I would like to announce the day that Save The Children has been unanimously chosen by the charities aid foundation as its first recipient of the charity of the year award nineteen ninety three .
29 And if you 've got the last three I ca n't believe that the last three are en suite .
30 As of the thirteenth of the ninth ninety three I 'll just read through one or two of these .
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