Example sentences of "[v-ing] them at " in BNC.

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1 It is ironic that the present undiscriminating reverence for exotic mysticism risks misunderstanding such beliefs for the opposite reason ; that of accepting them at face value uncritically and out of context .
2 So , she starts quizzing me and I start nattering on about the bloody Brontes — I think Mrs Fleming must 've been really intelligent when she was young , honest-to-god she was firing them at me faster than Bamber Gascoigne , she says to me : ‘ And tell me , Karen , how are you going to deal with the themes of Repressed Sexuality in the Brontes ' work ? ’
3 The Padre , consulted as to the propriety of firing them at the enemy , had given his opinion that they could perfectly well be fired and that they , or any other such popish or Tractarian objects , would very likely wreak terrible havoc .
4 Several older NCT children have started school this year so we sha n't be seeing them at Open Houses now …
5 ‘ I shall be seeing them at the weekend . ’
6 The police team had gone from her house , she had managed to avoid seeing them at work by her long session with Gabriel and John Coffin in Cat 's Coffee Shop .
7 In man not seeing them at .
8 Dr Losberne , of course , was full of immediate plans to rush round London arresting all the gang and hanging them at once .
9 It is a moment that is likely to reshape the strategic thinking of traditional , print-on-paper publishers , perhaps encouraging them at last to re-define their activities and participate more extensively in information media of all kinds .
10 But this was because the outside world insisted on ostracising them at least as much as by any choice of their own .
11 Now you know the rules , set a good example to other drivers by using them at all times ; who knows , they may even copy your driving style and do it right too !
12 Fear of side effects prevent a further 25 to 33 per cent using them at all .
13 Several rioters were killed during an attack on a mill using them at Salford in 1812 , but few manufacturers had as yet introduced them , or were intending to in the near future , and disturbances were intermingled with food riots and political agitation .
14 He had got as far as the packaging and labelling them at his premises prior to taking them to the ship .
15 Turkey , plum pudding , Stilton … typical traditional fare , but from where did they originate and how did the custom for eating them at Christmas arise ?
16 ‘ You should n't be eating them at all .
17 many and I 've stopped eating them at Christmas when I brought them and I started eating them again .
18 The main duty of the foresters of fee was of course the safe keeping of vert and venison : the Forest rolls show them searching for , arresting and attaching offenders , and indicting them at the Forest Eyre .
19 When she realizes that by controlling these cries , and producing them at will rather than automatically , she can influence the behaviour of her parents , she has progressed to the directive function .
20 These agents are toxic when given systemically , and so producing them at high concentration within the tumour is an attractive goal .
21 They rode almost due south , by the Morthwaite foothills and the Eddleston Water to Peebles , then westwards up Tweed to that river 's great bend southwards at Broughton , and so on towards its source on Tweedsmuir , darkness halting them at Oliver , where they learned that its lord , Sir Simon Fraser , had already departed likewise for Lochmaben , in strength .
22 Even if someone believes the most secure and pernicious lies , he will not be able to help himself from doubting them at some time .
23 Toucans collect them one at a time , throwing them up in the air and deftly catching them at the back of their throats .
24 But field staff may have their suspicions and these can be translated into more frequent monitoring of the suspects in the hope of ‘ catching them at it ’ .
25 It 's catching them at it that 's difficult .
26 Toothed whales usually travel in pods and hunt fish and quid by pursuing them at high speed .
27 Technologically and economically it requires more explaining than is now possible , not least because of the loss or destruction or records , to say nothing of not keeping them at all .
28 Keeping them at arms length guarantees that they will be lukewarm or confused in their support and their potential as marketers of the school will lie untapped .
29 Wooing first John and then Richard , Philip succeeded in keeping them at each other 's throats , or at Henry 's coat-tails , for several more years .
30 Or do you not see any point in keeping them at all ? is the number to dial .
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