Example sentences of "[v-ing] down and " in BNC.

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1 Well one of you on cleaning fruit , getting all the stalks and stones out of the fruit , we used to have a sieve , not a riddle , a sieve with round , the wires were round in the sieve and you rub it , and the stalks would drop through and then you 'd put them out onto an iron baking sheet and sort out all the stones that and little bits that were in the fruit and you 'd be on cleaning fruit you might be one day , the other whichever one was the you 'd be cleaning and greasing baking tins , ready for the baker to put the cakes in or what have you , and then at night we used to grease all the bread tins ready for men to be allowed to drop the dough into the bread tins , and er stuff like that and cleaning up scrubbing down and
2 The first storeys of the house of cards came tumbling down and Victoria burst into tears .
3 She said his name , the sound of it muffled against the pressure of his lips , and he murmured something back to her , moved with sudden fierceness , and the final thrust of his body sent them both tumbling down and down into a completely new dimension .
4 Anyway , he sees this fat cunt with some of his mates with some tea — and he 's moved along a bit to the end and he 's pissing down and out through the open bit and its all blowing down on these cunts ’ heads and into their
5 Even though it 's hundreds of miles from anywhere and I did n't get home till 3am , even though it was pissing down and freezing cold , and even though we lost , I still enjoyed meself .
6 Then it was as if trees started crashing down and roots tearing out of the ground .
7 The this problem with the detector , it 's another level of subcontracting down and er if you you 're buying a piece of equipment of this kind from a a consortium er essentially you ca n't dictate to him precisely who he 's going to use to supply the components for that system and er it is the problem came to the notice of officials when the consortium came forward and and said look , we we 've got these terms in our contract er concerning detection range and so on and er we may not be able to meet those , er so we questioned the reasons and then of course they revealed that they were having problems with the supplier .
8 How can he justify a cost per job in the strategic deterrent of £352,000 in a world in which the major powers are building down and renouncing weapons but he is building up ?
9 It is hard to escape the implication that a major source of this taboo is the sense that the priest kneeling down and washing women 's ‘ naked ’ feet would be somehow both sexual and polluting to the sacred .
10 There 's that one of you kneeling down and me sort of
11 I was kneeling down and you had just fallen on the floor .
12 But be extra vigilant partcularly in terms of headache , vomiting , or if they 're irritable , or if you ca n't bring their temperature down by sponging down and Calpol .
13 But be extra vigilant partcularly in terms of headache , vomiting , or if they 're irritable , or if you ca n't bring their temperature down by sponging down and Calpol .
14 Just then she spotted a loose thread hanging down and catapulted forward .
15 It depicts an outline map of Anglesey with airship SZ.234 superimposed , its trail rope hanging down and pointing to the location near Llangefni which is now part of RAF Mona .
16 My childhood was all about manners and how to hold your knife and fork and which glass to drink out of , and we had to curtsey , and as for my father , well , if I was looking like this — with blonde hair hanging down and the red lipstick — he would say I looked like a slut .
17 A tablet from Phaistos shows an orderly but sinister procession of four daemons , each with its left arm hanging down and its right arm raised , holding a staff ( Figure 49 ) .
18 look at Bryony , with that red peaked hood and , and the front of this rain cover hanging down and the back bit all punched up at the back
19 There was a car waiting , but because of the fog they abandoned the idea of driving down and went to the railway station , caught a train with minutes to spare , picked up the car that was waiting for them the other end , rang the studio from the car phone to let them know where they were , and ran into London Weekend Television .
20 She was walking down and I shout you bloody old troll .
21 Gilly nearly tripped over herself , leaping down and grabbing up ‘ Sarsaparilla to Sorcery ’ from the chair seat , stretching her guts out to tip the book into its place on the shelf as Trotter appeared at the door .
22 Chairman Sir Ian McLaurin said shoppers are tightening their belts and ‘ trading down and buying cheaper food -such as bread , lemonade and frozen chips ’
23 William Davis , Chairman of the British Tourist Authority , says overseas visitors are still coming but they 're trading down and looking for bargains .
24 And this helped them to pay for knocking down and putting up walls so that they could move the bathroom to a lovely sunny spot off the main upstairs landing .
25 A man has admitted knocking down and killing a cyclist after drinking more than five pints of lager .
26 One can picture Hoskyns looking down from the skies and being grateful for his pupil ; and Bethune-Baker looking down and thinking that he always knew where Hoskyns might lead the Churches .
27 Jess resisted , primly folding her hands , looking down and waiting in a resigned-servant manner for permission to go .
28 Well ’ — he choked now with laughter — ‘ I would go in among those pigs and they would all start scratching a hole and there I would be standing on a clapboard looking down and nearly sick with the smell .
29 He was kind of looking down and twiddling his pen , you know … and I mean I know it sounds stupid , but I did n't mind , I think I knew anyway .
30 I put my hand to my brow , looking down and shaking my head , then sigh theatrically and look at him , letting my shoulders slump .
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