Example sentences of "[v-ing] what [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 Generally this means explaining what must be done : ‘ You can have the video back on when you have picked up your toys ’ .
2 The opening ‘ The Basement ’ is most disturbing , Blood explaining what can happen when your parents go away for a few months and leave you with your crippled sister : ‘ It started out with spankings with the neighbour looking on/She paid her daughter 's boyfriend who would whip me all night long … ’
3 The opening ‘ The Basement ’ is most disturbing , Blood explaining what can happen when your parents go away for a few months and leave you with your crippled sister : ‘ It started out with spankings with the neighbour looking on/She paid her daughter 's boyfriend who would whip me all night long … ’
4 Step 3 : Test the model resulting from step 2 for artificial constraints and any misstatements of logic and produce a new cost and time model representing what should have happened during the performance of the contract .
5 Secondly , they could further extend their provision of a mixture of courses , both academic and vocational , at non-advanced and advanced levels , thereby becoming what might more accurately be termed Colleges of Further and Higher Education .
6 These new levels invariably clash with such a feature and variations on one means of convincingly disguising what might be an unattractive junction of new and retained construction are illustrated in the following sections , which include accounts of the conversion of two conventional nineteenth-century Anglican churches .
7 Even where we have overcome difficulties of technology and resources , as , for example , in producing multi-media stacks using Apple 's HyperCard ( or SuperCard ) , there is market resistance to purchasing what might otherwise come as public domain or ‘ shareware ’ and little that can be done to prevent illegal copying and resulting saturation of a limited market before costs are recovered .
8 That would shatter Germany 's present mood of economic optimism , already faltering as the difficulties of modernising what used to be East Germany grow clearer .
9 Those which have are reaping impressive rewards simply by identifying precisely the services or products customers want ; looking at their most lucrative areas ; finding out what clients really value ; and establishing what would make them move to a competing hotel .
10 On Yeltsin 's initiative , representatives of the Russian Federation , Byelorussia , Kazakhstan and the Ukraine on Feb. 4 had begun talks aimed at establishing what would be in effect an alternative union to that proposed in the draft Union Treaty .
11 Significantly ( in view of the stronger actions of the subsequent Conservative government ) public authorities were asked ‘ to furnish schedules of void sites within the partnership authorities with a view to establishing what could be done to accelerate the development or redevelopment of non-operational sites ’ .
12 I had to run with him , dreading what would come next .
13 I 'm more interested in developing what would be a campaign policy er during the course of tomorrow right through to early June of next year .
14 Crab apples and wild cherry grow in company with blackthorn , hawthorn , elder , and wild rose along a verge near my own garden , forming what must be the best natural autumn bird larder for miles around .
15 Reid has now persuaded one female to move without swallowing what could be the last of the species .
16 In the present context , this amounts to having a market economy outcome and imagining what would happen if there were a mixed economy or , alternatively , imagining taking government activity out of a mixed economy to produce a market- or government-free economy .
17 Now it 's one thing to say well , you know , perhaps these are women who take more exception than other women would do , but there comes a point where you have to accept , I think , that there 's going to be a shift of perspective , that what women have customarily put up with is no longer what they wish to put up and that I think we ought to be , as it were , acknowledged to have the right or the scope to say we want things to change , and to define or to set out in a process of defining what should be sexual appropriate sexual behaviour in future .
18 Certainly , those used to project management and planning are finding it invaluable in breaking down tasks into manageable blocks , defining what can be realistically achieved , and as a tool for reviewing and progress-chasing .
19 Robbe-Grillet 's insistence upon the essentially ludic dimension of all of his fiction ( and cinema ) was also a means of escaping what might be termed the prison-house of reflexivity ; it was not uncommon to find him distancing himself from Ricardou , even during the conference devoted to his work in 1975 , at which he claimed that even his supposedly ‘ theoretical ’ utterances over the years should be construed as attempts to maintain plurality and mobility .
20 In these two magnificent novels , sea and sky and ships become , as it were , characters themselves , acting as stabilisers in a way for the romantic , poetic colour implied in the titles of the books and constantly correcting what might otherwise be a predictable good-luck formula of a hero 's triumph over great odds .
21 For we are deciding what would ( most probably ) happen , not what might ( within the bounds of possibility ) happen .
22 Generally unschooled in the scientific method , judges have the legal duty of deciding what may or may not be presented to a jury .
23 There 'll always have to be a man in charge , at least one man , deciding what should be made , and how .
24 To put the matter simply , they have the role of deciding what should be taught and when , with the specialist teacher as adviser giving guidance in the case of the visually handicapped pupils as to ‘ how ’ .
25 The key function none the less lies in the drawing up of the legislation ; deciding what should go into a bill and what should be omitted , and how the proposals should be drafted .
26 These ‘ subtle and difficult problems ’ ( cf. 6.3.1 ) are all associated with deciding what should be counted .
27 When we plan a language syllabus we can draw on very comprehensive descriptions of the language which provide us with a basis for deciding what should go into the syllabus and in what order .
28 The Local Authority is responsible for the involvement of other agencies in deciding what should be done , by whom and by when ( DoH , 1991a , P 9 )
29 Answer guide : This question has been designed to illustrate the business entity principle , the fact that a balance sheet represents a snapshot at one point in time and some of the difficulties encountered in deciding what should be included in a balance sheet .
30 Instead of deciding what should be done and working out later if it can be afforded , the economists say the problem should tackled the other way round .
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