Example sentences of "[vb base] also [that] " in BNC.

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1 Realise also that what you wear affects your efficiency .
2 We realise also that a participatory communication between the leadership and the people is a prerequisite to a just and democratic social order in which effective accountability is the norm rather than the exception .
3 ‘ They say also that the Greshorns are the end of the world , ’ Murtach said shortly .
4 In summary , our observations are consistent with the presence of at least one exon of the proto-oncogene ERG in the complex PCR probe and suggest also that we have trapped exons from one or more other genes .
5 And I suggest also that it is a very valuable discipline for the police to have to say to themselves when deciding policy matters , I wonder what they will think about this at the Council House .
6 I hope also that British Coal has not helped to produce some of the briefs that we have heard in previous coal debates .
7 The figures go some way to counter fears that the recovery is faltering , but they reveal also that not every sector of the economy is gaining .
8 Engineers of this discipline are in the greatest demand , and receive the highest salaries at an early age , Imagine also that the raw material used by these engineers has been rapidly increasing in abundance and dramatically decreasing in cost over a period of 20 years .
9 Imagine also that we can define a set of ‘ iso-vote ’ lines : these are similar to indifference curves and each one shows combinations of inflation and unemployment which would yield the government equal popularity .
10 Let them show the enemy that they were not the only ones who could attack by sea ; and show also that the Scots could do it in less blundering fashion .
11 Request also that the past year 's water , gas and electricity bills , and the service agreements for boilers , security alarms etc , be available for your inspection , if you do not already have them .
12 Ensure also that tripod stands are set up securely and that they are in no danger of being accidentally upset by the comings and goings of performers and camera crew .
13 And I suspect also that from time to time the director feels that he has to placate the more hard-nosed and less imaginative of his many paymasters by producing something that could be regarded as promoting trade .
14 I suspect also that it influences your attitude towards that person .
15 When we look at the relationship between choice of /Ε/; realization and individual social network structure , we find a pattern emerging converse to the one described for /a/ ; recall also that the incoming variants of the two vowels showed an almost converse distribution with regard to status , sex of speaker and speech styles .
16 I consider also that the decision in question was flawed to a degree by undue weight being given to the question of a disorderly collapse . ’
17 If that 's not sufficient to tempt you , consider also that Woodbridge is one of James Braid 's outstanding creations , dating to 1893 .
18 So even if we agree that abolition was his intention and that that intention would have failed , if we consider also that it was mistaken anyway , we need pursue the point no further , except to add this : granted that the evil of insufficiently regulated competition is that it leads ultimately to the vicious exploitation of employees , the point can hardly be made of industrial co-operatives .
19 Erm I consider also that erm a development in this area would intrude on the sensitive gap between the York and West Yorkshire greenbelts and would be likely to cause coalescence between the fairly densely located villages in this sector .
20 They imply also that the organization is prepared to make more mistakes , but to carry the consequences in view of the greater benefits to the organization as a whole from being action-oriented .
21 They remember also that the Dominions came voluntarily to our aid in the two world wars : we would be in honour bound to do likewise if any of them came under threat .
22 Remember also that the thesis is not that authoritative determinations are binding only if they correctly reflect the reasons on which they depend .
23 Remember also that you are not alone .
24 Remember also that the ‘ Great ’ C major Symphony was not composed , as had been assumed , in 1828 , and that most of the writing was contemporary with the earlier D major Sonata , whose textures are so unmistakably orchestral in outline .
25 Remember also that whenever you use a commercial record in a production you must get the permission of the appropriate record label , and this will incur a separate fee to them .
26 Remember also that companies are interested in your leisure activities , because these may tell them something about you , in particular in relation to the job in question .
27 Remember also that few other countries have the same level of free health care and social welfare that we have in Britain .
28 Remember also that in parts of Canada French is the first language .
29 Remember also that cutting blooms for the house and dead-heading are forms of pruning , and the general principles should be observed , particularly with regard to leaving spurs .
30 Remember also that the actual concept or general idea for a work is not normally covered .
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