Example sentences of "[det] must [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Each must constantly be presented anew , only to disappear again .
2 Each must constantly be made anew , only to be covered again .
3 He made 829 runs in four matches ( he missed the Lord 's Test through illness ) in 1976 , which was statistically his best performance , and if he has never made quite so many since that must just be because of the demands , physical and psychological , of playing so much top cricket .
4 That must also be why other major European airlines rely on Iberia to maintain and service their planes .
5 That must also imply that Western politicians recognise the vital contribution that popular support and sanction would have for legitimising the new security proposals now on the table and thereby ensuring that they would be effective .
6 Her look clearly said : ‘ That must surely satisfy you ! ’
7 And that thin stump of a thing , that must surely be the pump .
8 Heidegger 's Geworfenheit , the fact that we are thrown onto the dice-board , without choosing when or where or whether , that must always be a source of anxiety .
9 1.12 The common point about such cases is of course that expert evidence can be called to dispute the allegations about seat belts , and that must always be borne in mind in these cases .
10 erm I think that must often be the case .
11 When papers are destroyed deliberately , however , as they are in half of the cases of those claiming asylum at the ports , apparently to conceal the identification of the claimants and where they come from , that must adversely affect their credibility — unless they have a convincing explanation .
12 It could only be determined by the justices upon whatever evidence was put before it , and the effect of that must then be put into perspective .
13 He says they can get rid of the conditions that cause crime and that must more jobs , more hope and less despair .
14 Cos the if there is to be a proposal modification , that must inevitably be the subject of another examination in public .
15 Yeah , that must definitely be right .
16 That must never happen .
17 That must never happen !
18 This must just be between us .
19 It is also recognized that this complex individual does not live in isolation but is in continual interaction with his or her environment , and that this must also be taken into account in both assessing the problem and planning the treatment .
20 The centres with high U/Pb also have higher average Ce/Pb than most basalts ( Fig. 3 c ) If the U/Pb ratios are representative of their sources and were fractionated at the time of formation of the oceanic lithosphere , this must also be true of the Ce/Pb ratios .
21 I consider that this must also hold good for the right of establishment : in order for a national of a member state to be eligible to be regarded as exercising his right of establishment in another member state , it is not enough that he should be operating a fishing vessel registered in that state ; in addition , his activity must have other links with the territory of that State .
22 This must also have secured for Oswiu an important diplomatic contact with the Kentish court of King Eorcenberht ( 640–64 ) , son of Eadbald , and re-established the former relationship which had prevailed in the time of Eadwine and Eadbald .
23 If a voluntary arrangement has been proposed or is in force , this must also be stated .
24 If there is any further documentation referenced by the SSR then this must also be sent .
25 If there is any further documentation referenced by the SSR then this must also be sent .
26 This must instantly have lowered the prestige of the archonship , and therefore of the Areopagus , which was recruited from former archons .
27 With free entry , this must again equal the revenue .
28 This must normally be a designated station , that is one which has a custody officer and has the necessary facilities to cope with those detained following arrest .
29 This must surely mean that acid rain was natural and the acidification of lochs had nothing to do with power stations .
30 This must surely be one of the most beautiful forms of propaganda .
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