Example sentences of "[det] that in " in BNC.

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1 It was obvious from this that in going into storms we were quite literally playing with fire .
2 We can see from this that in the technical sense most large and many small organisations can be described as bureaucracies .
3 It is in the Demoiselles that these two influences first appear together in the art of Picasso , and it is this that in part makes the picture a natural starting-point for the history of Cubism .
4 It follows from this that in a recognition test subjects will find it extremely difficult to distinguish one of the early sentences in a passage from similar sentences which mean the same .
5 Whether we would be correct to conclude from this that in manic-depression mania was produced by a quasi-toxic suppression of the superego I do not know , but if would certainly accord well with Freud 's suggestion that in the manic interludes in depression we witness ‘ a magnificent festival of the ego , which might then once again feel satisfied with itself ’ .
6 It will be apparent from this that in the event of LCH 's liquidation the clearing members would rank not as members but as creditors or debtors .
7 True , they have D-marks , though their pay is less than half that in the west , and in principle full rights under the constitution .
8 Although the number of cases of sudden infant death syndrome ( SIDS ) in the UK in 1992 was half that in 1991 ( 456 vs 912 , respectively ) , SIDS remains the commonest cause of death in babies older than 1 week .
9 Still , Thomas Brassey the railway entrepreneur , speaking with the voice of business common sense , observed of serfdom that the crop yield in servile Russia was half that in England and Saxony and less than in any other European country , and of slavery that it was ‘ obviously ’ less productive than free labour and more expensive than people thought , bearing in mind the cost of purchase or of rearing and maintenance .
10 The office reports that the birth rate in danger areas is less than half that in other regions , and in Lodz the death rate is higher than the birth rate .
11 Its great expectations were such that in 1975 it produced what it called a ‘ Reference Programme ’ of future development based on a dramatic growth in electricity demand .
12 On the other hand , there have been problems , such that in 1988 the National Audit Office could argue ( pp. 4–5 ) that there was an urgent need for a fundamental review of the MDC , including consideration of its management , development strategy , the size of its area and the timescale and resources needed to establish the Corporation 's effectiveness ' .
13 stating that there is a jack C such that in the past , there was an event A of John picking up C.
14 However the pressures are such that in many countries no clear unambiguous official statement is available .
15 The financial crisis was such that in spring 1990 Mr Naqvi went to Abu Dhabi and appealed to the shareholders to rescue the bank .
16 The advances in information technologies are now such that in most parts of the world the trend is towards monopolisation of both electronic and print media , and particularly , of the culture industry .
17 Aristotle had argued that the male semen gave ‘ form ’ to the ‘ matter ’ provided by the woman ; form here being a determining principle which shapes matter , such that in human beings the form is the rational soul , the particular characteristic which makes us human .
18 The pain was such that in her anger she could not remember how much , or even if , she had loved Edmund .
19 The conclusion derived from this is that if an object is such that in principle it can not be referred to directly and unequivocally with a simple symbol , only described , then it can not qualify as a fundamental ontological existent .
20 Mexico was also regarded as a promising base for the expansion of Comintern influence , but Moscow 's distrust of the Mexican Communists was such that in March 1926 the Comintern took a decision to entrust the Communist party of the United States with special responsibility in the same area : the Mexican Communist party was therefore effectively under a dual tutelage ( Clissold : 1970 , p. 10 ) .
21 His methods and his diligence were such that in less than six months he had completed the work which had been expected to take 2 to 3 years .
22 The development of flexible endoscopy , which allows pancolonic biopsy , has supported this finding and has led to a change in practice such that in many centres at risk patients are examined at intervals , with colonoscopy and biopsy , to detect premalignant dysplasia or early cancer .
23 In the words of Pollock B in Hazelton ( 1874 ) LR 2 CCR 134 , which were approved by the Court of Appeal in Gilmartin [ 1983 ] QB 953 , the accused represents that " the existing state of facts is such that in the ordinary course the cheque will be met " .
24 " The drawer impliedly represents that the state of facts existing at the date of delivery of the cheque is such that in the ordinary course the cheque will on presentation for payment on or after the date specified in the cheque be met " ( per Robert Goff LJ in Gilmartin , approved in Hamilton ) .
25 Of capuchin monkeys in Amazonia , brown capuchins with heavy jaws can open palm fruits and can survive the dry season on them , though the whitefronted capuchins can not , such that in the dry season , 90% of their food is figs .
26 D and p are scaled atomic population differences ( P22 — P11 ) and polarisation ( P21 ) respectively : scaling is such that in the small signal limit D = 1 , p = x " and then , for consistency in ( 7.3a ) , 2C = — 1 : this last condition thus defines the laser threshold ; for 2C 1 , the only solution of the laser equations is the trivial one x = p = 0 , D = 1 , which is stable .
27 Exports , which used to be the engine of growth , are down and imports are way up — by so much that in 1990 Korea experienced its first current-account deficit in five years .
28 Soil structure has declined so much that in 1984 The Soil Survey of England and Wales calculated that 44 per cent of UK arable land was vulnerable to erosion .
29 The interesting thing of course was his ro , his brother Robert was a civil engineer and the story goes , of course , they disagreed so much that in the end George said okay Robert you can have the civil engineers , I 'll start with mechanical engineers !
30 Scholarship [ Wissenschaft ] , art and philosophy are now growing together inside me so much that in any case I 'll be giving birth to centaurs one day .
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