Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And it 's reputation has travelled or it it 's false reputation has travelled quite a long way .
2 The second hand had stopped where it had met the pin inserted near the 55-second mark .
3 ‘ Any party who seeks to charge an accounting party with an amount beyond that which he has by his account admitted to have received or who alleges that any item in his account is erroneous in respect of amount or in any other respect must give him notice thereof stating , so far as he is able , the amount sought to be charged with brief particulars thereof or , as the case may be , the grounds for alleging that the item is erroneous .
4 While I was struggling to stop it , frost was formed where it struck my already cold hand .
5 Nothing happens on the property in Kent — from which I conclude that our plans have either misfired or we have been seen through ( now there 's a possibility to douse even your ever-optimistic spirit ) and from you I hear nothing at all .
6 Because of the way he was looking , his parted lips , his wondering eyes , she felt desire , a flicker of it , the first sign , the first time for months , a movement like a string being plucked where she thought her womb was .
7 Tug looked sideways , towards the valley on the right , and recognized where they were .
8 When the trucks paused while negotiating a particularly tricky turn , and Rain recognized where they were and that it was a good place to be , they climbed out and took a short route out of the old town and back to the hotel .
9 But I 've just realised where we might find some of the answers we 're looking for . ’
10 I 've just realised where it was taken .
11 What was remarkable , and commendable , was that once the tragedy had begun , quicker than anybody else in Germany , the Crown Prince realised where it would lead .
12 The points about joint responsibility for assets , liabilities and profits apply whether a band member is dismissed or he or she leaves voluntarily .
13 There are three types of trails in the Grand Canyon — maintained , where there 's a good path , semi-maintained where there may be a path , and unmaintained where you need a compass .
14 Bonds may be registered or they may be issued in the form of bearer securities .
15 But I mean it 's like Hugh , they said he had n't registered or something was n't it ?
16 Now that 's a real nuisance with a working dog because it does n't matter where you have your beasts gathered or which direction you want to drive your sheep , a rabbit is always likely to pop up and Meg would be off like a shot .
17 I 'd run , and no one caught me , so I never got walloped or anything .
18 You are , you are , you are at your most confident this afternoon and so this is a time when you should enjoy ensure that your voice is heard where anything important is concerned .
19 There are also two Backhouse fields , both placed where one would expect them — overlooked by the domestic quarters of a farmhouse .
20 When they disobeyed they were transformed into pillars of rock and placed where they could see each other but never meet .
21 Adoption agencies in Britain take the greatest trouble to see that children are placed where they will enjoy a strong family background .
22 PI : Locks Warranty : In addition to withdrawing keys from locks , the keys must now also be placed where they can not be seen by a would be thief .
23 keys are withdrawn from the locks fitted to the Home and placed where they can not be seen by anyone intent on making an unauthorised entry
24 keys are withdrawn from the locks fitted to the Home and placed where they can not be seen by anyone intent on making an unauthorised entry
25 Those built by governments seem most commonly to have been placed where they could combine the functions of protecting the local population and housing the official who governed the area .
26 These nets should be placed where there is good , but gentle , water surface movement .
27 Why is the new Aztec West ‘ science park ’ , with its modern factories for computers , electronics and similar industries , placed where it is ?
28 Plugs or outlets too , are often fitted in a haphazard way around the room , with the result that when a lamp is placed where it seems most needed , it frequently has to trail a dangerous mess of flex or wire with it .
29 Fast free kicks are ok ( as along as the ball is stopped I think ) what was very illegal was the fact that the free kick was taken from a COMPLETELY different spot to where the foul took place , so the Leeds player were ( justifiably ) waiting for the ball to be placed where it should have been .
30 They can dispense with the claim that science must start with unbiased and unprejudiced observation by making a distinction between the way a theory is first thought of or discovered on the one hand , and the way in which it is justified or its merits assessed on the other .
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