Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 I wondered if Jim would hit her or me but instead he said he supposed wooden would be all right and Shirley laughed like a drain .
2 No matter what your Chief Constable or Dan , or me or Lizzy or even King Street Charlie feels .
3 We paid rent to be there and er and of course either Hugh or me or both of us came up to see my mother every day , you see , unless we knew she was going to have a visitor and then we used to take a day off
4 Then we can do it to you or me or anyone else , and that troubles me .
5 You will be picked up from school by Marjorie or me or your mother or all three of us from now on. ,
6 He do n't know who to say hello to you or me or what .
7 from maybe Neville or me or somebody
8 He has confidence in the director , Mike Ockrent , experienced in theatre but a film debutant : ‘ You do n't do Follies or Me And My Girl by phoning it in . ’
9 ‘ She 's as active as you or me and a damn sight tougher .
10 212 If the tenant or his assignee do or shall , at any time before the trial in such ejectment , pay or tender to the lessor or landlord , his executors or administrators , or his or their attorney in that cause , or pay into the court where the same cause is depending , all the rent and arrears , together with the costs , then and in such case all further proceedings on the said ejectment shall cease and be discontinued ; and if such lessee , his executors , administrators , or assigns , shall , upon such proceedings as aforesaid , be relieved in equity , he and they shall have , hold , and enjoy the demised lands , according to the lease thereof made , without any new lease .
11 And there no reason , there is no worthy reason , there is no valid reason that you or I or any other person on the face of the earth has for rejecting Jesus Christ .
12 Let us instantly go to my closet or yours and come upon our mutual trial for you have fired by soul with impatience .
13 Or you or you could ask for the the number of all the conference centres in
14 That if you like , er , and I 've used this example before but I 'll use it again , it was quite interesting I think anyway , is that one of the examples we used on one of courses , is that somebody calls into the depot and says , I need help , I 've got to get this delivered by tomorrow and collections or you or whoever takes the call , is very excited because this person says it 's three hundred and fifty kilos and I need it today , it 's Durham , we 'll use Durham , we 're starting from here , in Durham tomorrow morning .
15 Anyone , whether it was Pilate then , or you or me today , who rejects and crucifies Christ afresh , seals his or her own doom .
16 I know you ca n't simply kill him , even with a seeming accident , or you and Farquhar would have done it long since . ’
17 Or you and the TARDIS between you , somehow .
18 Or you and he are only friends ? ’
19 All I know is that there are better people in , that , are more intelligent people that are better informed about than me or you and they deemed it that we 've got something to fear against and I 'm willing to take that .
20 As with the action sample those carers who continued to express a clear preference for home care talked in terms of it being no bother to continue caring , or even if it was ‘ a bother ’ , home was the best place for the dementia sufferer , and he or she and the carer were ‘ coping ’ .
21 Remember the format controls he will normally start off , sell first routine , then he or she will have er say , right at the very end , say why he say why he or she and that 's the format I want to follow .
22 When er the sales exec for marketing goes round doing the contract bits and pieces er they he or she and the surgery the doctors ' senior partners or all the doctors will agree on the number of booklets we 're going to print .
23 Once the Juvenile Employment Bureau had registered and placed the adolescent , the ‘ helper ’ resumed responsibility by attempting to keep ‘ in effective touch ’ with either him or her and with the home .
24 Only your detective , perhaps , will need to be seen in somewhat greater depth , since your readers have got to sympathise with him or her and to do that they probably need more than just one point of contact .
25 Er but yes you could put your wife and two children and if your wife is fit to do it she can do it , if she is n't the two children can do it instead or her and one of the children to help each other out .
26 Relatives , of course , do not always agree with the individual about what is best for him or her and they may not agree with professionals trying to help the person either .
27 Whether you pass an exam or not and you think to yourself , well they 're not really bothered about what you do , so that means you do n't really think of it in terms of , oh well , he is really taking pride in me or her and really want me to do well , it goes beyond just teaching me , it 's something personal as well .
28 First , the Freedom of Information Acts give an individual a right to information possessed by the government about him or her and the government may have to justify non-disclosure in court .
29 The judge has a discretion to exercise in determining whether-to make such an order , taking account of whether the defendant chose to contest a strong case against him or her and if the defendant must have known the real truth of the matter .
30 It is no earthly use appointing a particular officer if the childen do not know how to complain to him or her and can not do so .
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