Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] most " in BNC.

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1 Not all the major living groups of organisms were present in the Cambrian , however , because the colonization of the land did not take place for another 200 million years , and so there were obviously no direct ancestors of land plants around , or of most of the land animals with which we are familiar today .
2 This method gives you the choice of having your pension paid direct into a bank or National Giro account ; or , alternatively , into an investment account with either the National Savings Bank or with most building societies .
3 In general , when male animals compete for the attention of females , the biggest males are most likely to be successful ; therefore , as Darwin observed , in species where the males compete , they tend to be bigger than females , as in baboons or in most species of seal .
4 Instead of being at the controls , he was desperately clinging on while the engines , at full throttle , thrust the boat violently from side to side as a host of faction fighters wrestled to grab the wheel — or in most cases to avoid touching it .
5 Yet the new interdisciplinary approaches , the new stress on enquiry and research , and the increased stress on the teacher in the devising of resource-based approaches , require more flexible , efficient and detailed methods of information retrieval than has been typically the case in schools , or in most academic and public libraries hitherto .
6 The presence of HAPCs was suggestive of normal colonic function ; HAPCs were found after meals in all non-constipated subjects , but not in patients with myopathy or in most patients with neuropathy .
7 Concentration of glutathione is exceedingly high in the glandular stomach compared with concentrations in other portions of the gastrointestinal tract or in most other organs .
8 It is not really worth saving seeds from F1 hybrids or from most fruit varieties as these rarely reproduce true to type .
9 Because it is not easy to scale up or down most of the designs used in Romano-British mosaics , or in Roman mosaics generally , the room of unusual shape or size frequently received filling panels and other special treatments .
10 In the early 1960s , wheat beers had only 1 or 2 per ent of the Bavarian market , or at most 2 or 3 , reckons Erdinger 's second generation owner , Werner Brombach .
11 If evolution by natural selection is to lead from some random sequence to one unique optimal sequence , there must be a series of intermediate sequences , between the random and the optimal , each being a slight improvement on the one before , the steps from one sequence to the next being a change in one amino acid , or at most of two or three amino acids .
12 When she was not in a mood , when she was apathetic , she opened tins or boiled eggs , or at most dressed an avocado .
13 For patients with severe hypertension and an expectation of life of months or at most a year or two , the benefits of lowering the blood pressure were soon seen .
14 Up until that time , treatment meant a bottle of pills or at most a rub with embrocation .
15 The Laboulbeniales demonstrate a high degree of host specificity , and by this criterion are highly advanced ; most infect only a single species of arthropod , or at most a small group of closely related host species , and only a few are known to occur on a variety of distantly related hosts .
16 It might also suggest that if fat people have psychological problems , these may well be a result of the obesity , or at most a contributory factor .
17 The much larger killer whales can porpoise only if the surrounding water is laminar , or at most half turbulent .
18 The distance from cape to cape is eighteen leagues [ 62 land miles ; 100 km ] or at most twenty to twenty-two [ 69–76 miles ; 111–122 km ] with the bends of the island coastline .
19 The spine will be suspended horizontally or at most slightly nose-down , unlike the 15-degree ‘ angle of dangle ’ described for single line kites in Chapters 1 and 3 .
20 Jung suggests that ‘ something in us wishes to remain a child ; to be unconscious or at most conscious only of the ego ; to reject everything foreign , or at least subject it to our will ; to do nothing , or , in any case , to indulge our own craving for pleasure or power . ’
21 He saw things in a flash and put them down in a sentence or at most a paragraph .
22 Discussion might modify the details , or at most suggest new items , but the leadership was his .
23 Hence , chemical studies are confidently carried out on one or at most a very few instances of the materials that chemists are analysing and synthesizing .
24 The questions on calendar dates require pupils to count , or at most calculate , using whole numbers .
25 The very phrase ‘ the political side ’ — a phrase also used by the new member to Simon and Nigel — implies a lack of centrality , or at most an equality with the non-political side .
26 At times when the generality stood in the presence of their superiors and at other times squatted on the ground or at most sat on stools or benches , thrones were potent symbols of authority .
27 These square panels from high up on a building , with only one , two or at most three figures on each , are not the kind of model on which the vase-painter drew for his battle .
28 Extraordinary in Yorkshire , where the most profound emotion slowly worked up and out , tightly wrapped into the cold air , channelled through flat vowels , into a word or at most a single sentence , while all the rest was conveyed only with the slightest movement of the body .
29 Metaphor has traditionally been taken to be a one-word device , or at most a figure of several words strung together , whereas Brooke-Rose 's analyses concentrate instead on metaphor 's work at the level of the phrase or sentence .
30 Patricia Branca has reminded us that in the Victorian household where the man earned between £100 and £300 a year , an income range which excluded the highly skilled manual worker and included as many as 42 per cent of the middle class , there was only enough money available for the employment of one or at most two domestic servants and very little at all for the rest of the ‘ paraphernalia of gentility ’ desired by the aspiring middle class household .
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