Example sentences of "[vb past] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He and Sybil lived carefully , borrowed cars to save renting them , accepted hospitality , incurred and endured some cutting remarks of the wealthy but kept steadfast to their aim to make some money and run back to London to act and feed the security bank .
2 Chiswick experienced some changes in 1962 , one of which was the withdrawal of all the trolley-buses , which were replaced by the very popular Routemaster buses .
3 It is interesting that a large proportion of these ‘ new ’ users experienced some unpleasantness on first use such as vomiting and dizziness .
4 Erm er it 's basically that there is no stated requirement at present from any of the four nations , for this aircraft to operate on ships er back in the early days of the programme when the the French were involved er we looked at the possibility of designing an aircraft er to provide the whole spectrum of capabilities from air defence er ground attack and also maritime operations off ships and er we we certainly experienced some difficulties in reconciling all those things in one design , which was adequately capable in each of the areas .
5 Easons , too , experienced some increase in competition from ‘ non-traditional ’ outlets .
6 As rectal volumes increased , all spinal patients with lesions above T6 ( n=11 ) experienced some degree of autonomic dysreflexia that prevented further rectal distension .
7 As a consequence , the interbank market experienced some contraction due to country risk , concentrating business on large banks in established and well supervised financial centres .
8 Sadly , over half of the sample experienced some fear or anxiety about growing old themselves .
9 ‘ The UK lamb market experienced some uncertainty caused by the phasing out of the variable premium for domestic lambs , ’ was his only comment .
10 Either they operated some kind of taboo against such things , or else the technological relics of past civilisations were commonplace enough for them not to attach importance to a vessel which they must at least suspect to be in operable condition .
11 This caution countered some weakness in gross margins ( the result of increased book club and export sales , and of lower print runs ) , Mr Hely Hutchinson said ; and net operating profit from publishing grew by 27% to £1.68m — an operating profit margin of 11.9% .
12 He recommended some training for hotel staff to be a bit more professional in their attitude .
13 In Nicholson v. Harper ( 1895 ) A owned some goods stored for him at a warehouse .
14 In City Fur Manufacturing Co. v. Fureenbond ( 1937 K.B. ) A owned some skins which were stored for him at an independent warehouse .
15 In Farquharson Bros. v. King ( 1902 H.L. ) a timber firm owned some timber which was in the possession of a dock company .
16 In class terms the peasants were identified as part of the rural petty bourgeoisie : generally speaking , not members of the proletariat because they usually owned some means of production to support themselves .
17 Dotty Harmer , a spinster and stout friend of all animals , lived some quarter of a mile westward towards Lulling Woods .
18 They were in the custody of the court beadle who lived some distance away .
19 The guide would be particularly useful to people who lived some distance away and who needed to find out if a visit to the record office would be helpful .
20 None of the old historians of this County take notice of this Chantry , not even Mr Lambarde , who lived some years in the Bishops ' Palace here .
21 She says that they lived some miles from London , but they could see the red glow in the sky and smell the smoke . ’
22 ‘ Three days later my poor father went to visit an old friend who lived some miles away .
23 Formal nursing courses reflect these concerns , but there is at present no mechanism for updating the knowledge of those who qualified some time ago .
24 I smelled some recurrence of the tension between him and Laura and looked for a way to open the subject .
25 The workman manipulated some knobs and levers , closed a cage , stood back , and pressed a button on a console .
26 We refuelled , repaired the brakes and emptied some sand out of the aircraft , and the next day we checked the aircraft and weather and did some minor maintenance , returning to the hotel at 3.30 pm .
27 What with John 's new fitness programme , and the salutary Atlantic air and everything , I myself expected some kind of halfhearted renewal .
28 Anyway , at Stevenage Town Hall we told Ralph that we expected some money for these .
29 Her eyes appraised him and her thin fingers were spread towards him fan-wise , it was clear she expected some money .
30 She expected some fury but none was forthcoming and she glanced across at him to find his eyes were fixed on the mountains , his face sombre .
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