Example sentences of "[vb past] or had " in BNC.

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1 Of those 363 hotel pools , 31% were found to have inadequate or no rescue equipment and 21% lacked or had insufficient pool surround fitments .
2 Those members of the working-class who rejected or had sunk below the influence of the class above them , remained largely illiterate and inarticulate .
3 It had been bored or dug or had occurred naturally at an incline of about thirty degrees , so that all the way down into the mine , holding onto the rope , they had had purchase for their feet , had almost been able to walk don , though describing it thus made a dull and orthodox act of what had been the great adventure of their boyhood .
4 She had a fistful of tiny flowers , and made me wait patiently while she described them all , making up her own names when she forgot or had never learned the real ones .
5 The alleged libel is contained in a letter written by the defendant to the editor of the ‘ Manchester Examiner and Times ’ , which charged , as alleged by the statement of claim , that bribery and corruption existed or had existed in three departments of the Manchester City Council , and that the plaintiffs were either parties thereto or culpably ignorant thereof , and that the said bribery and corruption prevailed to such an extent as to render necessary an inquiry by a parliamentary commission .
6 And er I never heard or had any more ways than ordinary .
7 Some people had copies of public documents ( such as the agreement by the shaikhs of 1946 ) which they inherited or had copied for their own use and enjoyment .
8 Without any more information to go on it was impossible to revise my image of the way the world worked or had done all my life .
9 She sometimes wondered afterwards whether Brigadier Smithson appreciated or had even organised the situation .
10 With regard to points three and four above , the prosecution has the choice of proving that the tippee either knew or had reasonable cause to believe the stipulated circumstances .
11 Accordingly , the insiders were under an obligation , inter alia , to disclose material matters about which they knew or had reason to believe the relevant shareholders had insufficient knowledge .
12 And Steve obediently went off , taking with him a jar of Marmite in a garden trowel as a substitute for coal in a shovel , and he stood out there on the front porch in the cold listening to the silence and looking at the stars , waiting for them to let him in on the last stroke of Big Ben on the radio : a faint , feeble echo of some once meaningful ritual , though what it had meant or now could mean nobody there knew or had ever known .
13 He could not think clearly at all of any women he knew or had known .
14 The consequences for a purchaser of receiving an unlawful distribution are provided by CA 1985 , s277 and will essentially require a purchaser , who at the time of distribution , knew or had reasonable grounds for believing that it was an unlawful distribution sale , to be made liable to repay the distribution to the vendor .
15 ‘ Especially to those under the enchantment of love , ’ he answered , and Fabia experienced a need to discover if Ven himself knew or had ever known that enchantment .
16 Customers were asked to fill in a brief form stating whether they knew or had seen Mr McEvoy .
17 Such analysis can be approached in two major ways : one can either take all those who were sustained at home for , say , six months or l2 months from referral in both action and control samples , and compare the two groups in order to see whether — as one would expect if the project were successful — those still at home in the control sample were less disadvantaged in home care terms , less poorly circumstanced or had fewer problems than those in the action samples .
18 When it ended in the mid 1960s , to be replaced in quick succession by sociology , anthropology , and linguistic theory , it turned introspective in its defeat , wasting its energies on the grimly unavailing task of seeking , and never finding , a theoretical basis for what it did or had once done .
19 Even in his defence of Needham , Dr Chapman admits that at one mill more than a third of the apprentices died , absconded or had to be returned and only two out of 780 apprentices recruited were later employed as adult workers .
20 Differences in antibody responses between the study groups were assessed by comparison of ( i ) rates of seroconversion ( defined as a change in antibody titre from undetectable [ <8 ] to detectable [ 8 ] ; ( ii ) rates of secondary 4-fold or greater rises in antibody titre in seropositive children for whom additional 4-fold rises could be reliably documented with a neutralisation upper limit of 1:1024 — ie , children with baseline titres of 8–256 ; and ( iii ) type-specific geometric mean titres ( GMTs ) among the total study population and among children who seroconverted or had secondary 4-fold or greater rises in antibody after vaccination .
21 Successive Secretaries of State have stated that only by the unvarying observance of this practice is it possible to ensure that in no circumstances is anything said or not said which , by comparison with what was said on a different occasion , might imply that a warrant had or had not been issued .
22 I had or had had cancer — a most serious disease — yet I had been talking as if it was all a joke .
23 Just as before , I had spent the intervening three months ‘ supporting ’ myself and this time I was so confident I was able to march into the hospital and into the consulting room certain that whatever I had or had had I was now on top of it .
24 Questions were also asked about what guidelines the Social Work Department had or had not used .
25 They were interested in the way that the connections between an eye and a cortical neuron were affected by whether that eye had or had not been used , so first they measured the numbers of cells establishing these connections in normal animals .
26 It was just something you had or had n't done .
27 There is no evidence that she married or had children .
28 It is not enough for the defendant to show that he was aware of the contents of what he was distributing or publishing , but did not himself think that it was insulting if the jury or magistrate should come to the conclusion that he suspected or had grounds to suspect otherwise .
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