Example sentences of "[vb past] be between " in BNC.

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1 The strongest associations we found were between measures of periodontal disease or oral hygiene and total mortality among men under 50 at baseline ( table IV ) .
2 The estimate had been between £40,000 and £60,000 , but competition between the Khalili Galleries of London and an unnamed museum drove the price through the roof .
3 You were also , probably , drunk , but how you got drunk , or where you had been between that first moment of reacquaintance with yourself and now , was a mystery .
4 A shadow crossed his face ; evidently , thought Karelius , what there had been between him and Louise Müller was not yet dead , and perhaps never would be .
5 It was as though they had returned to the relationship there had been between them on Ridgery Butts when he had taught her to use the bow , and encouraged her with gentle praise .
6 If the N1 cam had been between the point cams throughout I could have done , but NOT when the N1 cam is left outside them .
7 Martin 's position in the firm had been between the two .
8 Although he differentiated his position from that of Draper , suggesting that the struggle had been between science and dogmatic theology rather than between science and religion , A. D. White insisted that there had been a theological and a scientific view of every question , invariably at odds .
9 She had n't really believed it herself , not all of it anyway ; so when her mother started telling her that what Davy Treffry had said was more or less true , she wanted to put her hands over her ears and not listen ; she did n't want to know about the argument there had been between her father and her Uncle Harry ; she did n't want to hear about how they picked their wives by some silly fishing competition .
10 Following the uprising and the overthrow of the legitimate government , whatever common interest there had been between these groups ceased and they began to fight each other .
11 Julia found herself wanting to get to know her better , quite certain by then that whatever there had been between Suvarov and Felicity while his first wife was alive it had not been the kind of affair David had assumed .
12 It was reported , for instance , that of the nationally mixed marriages in Turkmenia from the 1920s to the 1970s , not a single one had been between a Turkmen girl and a Russian man .
13 The recollection was faintly depressing , making her realise how little useful or productive communication there had been between them .
14 The reports differed , however , as to whether the clashes had been between Uzbeks and Armenians , Tadjiks and Armenians , or Uzbeks and Tadjiks .
15 Some sources said that the clashes had been between members of the fundamentalist Adl wal Ihsan ( " justice and charity " ) group and members of the leftist Kaiyidine group .
16 But Spain would never again be as politically and economically isolated as it had been between 1945 and 1950 .
17 On average prices were around 25 per cent lower between 1720 and 1780 than they had been between 1660 and 1680 .
18 It was something he had been wanting to do for over ten years , but , now that he had done it , he had destroy something that had been between them — a mysterious , almost exquisite , promise of delight .
19 Whatever was or had been between Matthew and Jenny was not yet resolved , Sara realised from Jenny 's preoccupation with the man .
20 Her threat to leave the job had been an idle one , and whatever ill feeling there had been between her and Jenny must have been papered over .
21 The chemistry had been between them from the start , waiting only for a wayward spark to ignite it .
22 The range from the firing point to where the rounds impacted was between 35 metres ( the shot that hit Barling ) and 30 metres ( the ones that hit the pillar ) … ’
23 The major contradiction that they detected was between his vision of a European ensemble able to challenge the two existing superpowers and his narrowly nationalist priorities .
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