Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] has " in BNC.

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1 Many famed scholars and sorcerers gathered at Hoeth and such an exchange of knowledge occurred as has not been seen before or since .
2 my Lord , my Lord erm my Lord that really brings me to what are , er my conclusions , my Lord erm , can I just practice my conclusions with two erm comments , first of all about the , the my learned friend seems to paint erm in relation to this of course Mr made a point quite strongly that he agrees this is a relevant consideration and that er have exaggerated the situation and if they are willing to make a point a like this it would require evidence , they did point to their accounts , Lord erm I do n't see to put in evidence , but the , the statutory statement of business served er filed by on the first of September this year with the D T I , revealed that has a total of sixteen and a half billion in it 's members premium trust funds which is up four billion from the end of the previous year , erm , set against that the claims now made against the names is , is relatively speaking er small , erm my Lord
3 Of those two colleagues , interestingly enough , one is a health visitor by background , the other is a nurse , but someone who practised or has n't practised , but as a district health community planner for a number of years .
4 ASSESSMENT/ — indicates whether the given user has accepted , rejected or has not yet assessed the DC .
5 Denis Smith says he 's been trying to get players since he came but has to sell first and there have been no bids for any of the players .
6 Klaus Steilmann expected and has encountered criticism from environmental quarters and sceptics .
7 In the case of political empire , the decisive production and reproduction of an area of power was of course by other ( military and political ) means , though at the level of reproduction use of the reproducible image of authority became and has remained very important .
8 It was not , however , until the Lough Ine investigations ( summarised by Kitching & Ebling , 1967 ) that any serious experimental data were available to suggest an explanation as to the mechanism by which the pattern arose and has been maintained .
9 I went one better and something happened that has never occurred in about 25 years of using the modern type of machine with yarn mast and tension spring .
10 Priority between applications is partly based on frequency of paid training in past and partly on use made of attendances on return , e.g. wrote good report , organised something similar here which worked or has stimulated others to develop the ideas expressed there ’ .
11 As the right hon. Gentleman was Chancellor before it started and has been Prime Minister throughout its course , is it not clear that he is not only the Prime Minister of recession , but the prime cause of recession ?
12 While statements such as this invited the charge that factual evidence was becoming confounded with too-hasty interpretation , the basic thesis survived and has been strengthened by other workers not of the psychoanalytic school : notably the ethologists and zoologists , as well as child psychologists ( Lorenz , 1952 ; Harlow , 1961 ; Schaffer and Emerson , 1964 ) .
13 The content and implications of this document have been very widely analysed and debated as has the Tanzanian reaction to it , but a few short passages need perhaps to be quoted yet again if only to underline the very fundamental challenges it poses for curriculum planners .
14 It suggests that your vehicle was once petrol engined or has had the wrong springs fitted at some point .
15 It is lavishly illustrated and presented and has assumed a pre-eminent position in its field .
16 But he won and has held on .
17 ‘ He apparently slipped and has fallen between the floors . ’
18 Many of these have been published as national biographical repertories , but not all are complete ( that for France , for example , had reached the letter D when the first edition of this book appeared and has now , nineteen years later , almost completed G , Italy , in the same time , has got from B to C. Works for reference such as these form the scholarly end of a spectrum of contemporary works which runs at its other extreme into straightforward journalism .
19 At the beginning of the presentation I said that has really erm grown through recognition of its leading edge technology and its leading edge relational database management systems .
20 because they , she said that has this hay and straw , so so all in all
21 She accepted but has heard nothing since .
22 Scales said , ‘ It looks bad for young Choak ; in his case there 's a double motive , the money which he stole and has to pay back and what he could reasonably have expected under his uncle 's will . ’
23 One argument states that the Latin American bourgeoisie has never had sufficient capital to promote the economic development it wanted and has , therefore , had to import capital .
24 The Railway Inn closed and has subsequently been re-opened .
25 The Railway Inn closed and has subsequently been re-opened .
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