Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] have " in BNC.

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1 Of those 363 hotel pools , 31% were found to have inadequate or no rescue equipment and 21% lacked or had insufficient pool surround fitments .
2 And all the rime you knew that you would never take the risk of getting shot which this involved or have the necessary patience to carry it out .
3 It found that had Costa Rica been consulted , its opinion would have been decisive , precisely the situation envisaged in 1858 .
4 I had never done anything like that in my life , but I found that having to do it was in the end very exciting because you have to rely on the Lord and he supplies help in unforgettable ways .
5 Almond and Verba found that having been taught about government increases a sense of subjective political competence .
6 We went to the museum with all aspects of the Great Western Railway and finally to the gift shop , the only one we visited that had the Bishop 's Castle Railway book on sale .
7 Like the Conservative government , they dithered and have been overtaken by a recession which reduced their chance of success .
8 He stopped and had a cup of tea himself and explained to the Covent Garden porters , who wanted to know what he 'd got in the back , that it was the Sleeping Beauty .
9 He even stopped and had a tinkle .
10 A massive great big flask of coffee and when we got there we stopped and had a sandwich and a coffee , and we 'd go in the club , set all up and we 'd sit quiet and then we 'd have a quiet drink would n't we ?
11 Like Schleiermacher , Coleridge rejected any attempt to prove the truth of religion by appeal to rational , philosophical proofs : this seemed to him completely to miss the character of faith , which he described as having to do , not with theory , but with life .
12 It referred disparagingly to ’ comprehensive conformity ’ and bemoaned the departure of grammar schools , which it described as having taught rigorously , maintained discipline and specialised in the production of excellence .
13 Mr Justice Harman refused to grant an injunction in favour of the plaintiff and strongly criticized the use of an American contract which he described as having odd and inept phrasing .
14 and the 11.00 on 17th May reported as having only six passengers .
15 As a former category A authority , Westminster SSD is one of five the DoH categorised as having a high incidence of HIV .
16 Many famed scholars and sorcerers gathered at Hoeth and such an exchange of knowledge occurred as has not been seen before or since .
17 What made me finally decide to insist on this was when I realized that had you been a man , Miranda , or had I not been personally involved with you , I would n't have hesitated to ask for these shares . ’
18 and we did n't think , and sort of , then we realized that had to sort of like turn it off and that might help a bit , but boiling water , we 're trying to stop it with our finger .
19 I chewed betel with the barefoot skipper in his wheel-house until , as the old tub began to roll in the outside channel , I realised that had been a mistake .
20 Considering this question , with some surprise Robbie realised that had never been her aim — until she 'd met Fen Marshall .
21 No , he 's gone to a play at the college and a yeah I was er like when I realised that had come on I thought does he know ?
22 Questioned by the procurator-fiscal , Andrew Normand , British Rail 's director of operations at the time , Terence Worrall , admitted that had the sheriff 's deliberations been fully taken into account , additional safety procedures would have been introduced which would have prevented the Newton disaster .
23 Questioned by the procurator-fiscal , Andrew Normand , British Rail 's director of operations at the time , Terence Worrall , admitted that had the sheriff 's deliberations been fully taken into account , additional safety procedures would have been introduced which would have prevented the Newton accident .
24 After the Tower Report was published in February 1987 , and the PROF notes revealed that had passed by computer between the characters , the basement became home to a band of five-o'clock-shadowed Boy Scouts delighting in their own secrecy .
25 my Lord , my Lord erm my Lord that really brings me to what are , er my conclusions , my Lord erm , can I just practice my conclusions with two erm comments , first of all about the , the my learned friend seems to paint erm in relation to this of course Mr made a point quite strongly that he agrees this is a relevant consideration and that er have exaggerated the situation and if they are willing to make a point a like this it would require evidence , they did point to their accounts , Lord erm I do n't see to put in evidence , but the , the statutory statement of business served er filed by on the first of September this year with the D T I , revealed that has a total of sixteen and a half billion in it 's members premium trust funds which is up four billion from the end of the previous year , erm , set against that the claims now made against the names is , is relatively speaking er small , erm my Lord
26 The appeals were opposed by Robert Harman QC , who argued that to have allowed the Press to stay in court , subject to a postponement order , for the disputed hearing would have served only to satisfy the ‘ inquisitiveness ’ of Old Bailey journalists .
27 Of those two colleagues , interestingly enough , one is a health visitor by background , the other is a nurse , but someone who practised or has n't practised , but as a district health community planner for a number of years .
28 Those members of the working-class who rejected or had sunk below the influence of the class above them , remained largely illiterate and inarticulate .
29 ASSESSMENT/ — indicates whether the given user has accepted , rejected or has not yet assessed the DC .
30 One survivor recalled that having made up her mind to do this , she asked her elder sister to put in a word for her .
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