Example sentences of "[coord] rather as " in BNC.

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1 After cautiously sounding our way over stones of all colours and sizes encased in the clearest ice formed by the spray of the waterfall , we found the rock … from the summit of which the water shot directly over our heads into a bason and among fragments of rock wrinkled over with masses of ice , white as snow , or rather as D. says like congealed froth …
2 I do not hold this out as support for the thesis , but rather as evidence of the direction being taken by governments of whatever political complexion .
3 Here partnerships would not act as a proxy or alternative to the local education authority but rather as facilitators , allowing schools and colleges to learn more about accountability , how it is portrayed and realised .
4 The comparison is relevant as people perceive noise not so much in terms of its absolute level but rather as the relationship of the noise to what exists normally .
5 Marx did not thereby characterise this as being primitive accumulation on the part of British capital , but rather as period of development of capital on the basis of the capitalist mode of production , even though this entailed the destruction of pre-capitalist forms .
6 I should like to make it clear from the outset that I am participating in this conference not as an expert on any aspect of the teaching of languages , but rather as someone whose primary concern is with the structure of language and , more generally , the nature of cognitive processes .
7 Events in his own past he never thought of as evil but rather as mistaken , immensely regrettable , brought about by fear and greed .
8 It was not as though other people were speaking a foreign language , but rather as though they were using the English language as the basis of a code to which I had somehow lost the key .
9 The short-sighted , narrow-minded Education Reform Act should not be seen as ringing the death-knell of teacher reflection and autonomy , but rather as signalling its increasing urgency .
10 Indeed , we trust that all contributions will be judged not as predictions , but rather as means of analysing a complex and unpredictably changing sphere of social life .
11 Accordingly a minimum of £5 will be preferred in the present work , not so much as an arbitrary demarcation , but rather as one which should prompt us to seek further evidence to confirm the holder 's status .
12 We might compare this ethical relation to Cixous ' remarks about the need to love the other or Kristeva 's recent preoccupation with love which , from this perspective , hardly involves the sudden apostasy of which she has been accused , but rather as for Levinas consists of a way of formulating a ‘ responsibility for the Other , being-for-the-other ’ .
13 We need to see teaching , therefore , not as the transmission of pre-existing knowledge to passive recipients , but rather as the provision of opportunities for children to continue to exercise their in-built drive actively to make sense of their experience and , thereby , to gain understanding of , and control over , the world in which they live .
14 Nizan 's refusal to empathise fully with his fictional characters was consequently envisaged not as part of a global strategy to adapt the novel to the demands of contemporary social experience , but rather as the ideological inability of a communist novelist to engage in a complicity judged by Sartre to be a fundamental aspect of the novelist 's art .
15 As a consequence , individuals ( and many measures ) tend not to think of wealth and income as two sides of the same coin , but rather as different segments of that coin .
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