Example sentences of "[coord] without [det] " in BNC.

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1 With or without such a committee , both clergy and church musicians need to be valued and respected for their skills and responsibilities , as well as for themselves .
2 There has been a steady rise in the number of women returners and ‘ apart from women who do not want to let go of that career , there are all the millions of women faced with the fact that either their income will enormously increase the lifestyle of their family or without that second income they will be very hard pushed to cover the basics .
3 despite no implied obligation on a landlord to maintain land over which a right of way had been given to a third party there was an obligation in the case where use of property would be impossible in the absence or without that obligation .
4 And within or without these dancing shapes and from deep within the brighter flame of my own imagination I can escape any pressure from any source .
5 In such cases there is a reluctance to part with the house except on impossible terms : on a short lease or without any land to give it a moderate degree of privacy ; or there may be restrictions on the uses that are allowed — community uses only , perhaps , to be financed from public funds , which are not forthcoming .
6 If a period has been missed and there is a possibility of pregnancy when severe or unusual pains develop with or without any blood flow .
7 Hering 's concepts are of general value although patients often improve gradually without the directions being too obvious or without any recurrence of old symptoms .
8 Arabs always seem to be either in a great hurry or without any sense of time at all .
9 At the same time , in contrast to earlier eras , the housework is more likely to be carried out in isolation , without reference to others or without any external standard of comparison from which she might derive status or recognition for her particular skills as a cook or a housewife .
10 At regular intervals on the circle are placed pictures of uniform size , either related to a central theme or without any specific relationship .
11 Russian can be studied with or without any previous knowledge of the language in a variety of degree structures .
12 Section 68(1) of the Trade Marks Act 1938 ( the interpretation section ) defines a trade mark as : a mark … used or proposed to be used in relation to goods for the purpose of indicating , or so as to indicate , a connection in the course of trade between the goods and some person having the right either as proprietor or registered user to use the mark , whether with or without any indication of the identity of that person .
13 Section 20 reads in part : [ w ] hosover shall unlawfully and maliciously wound or inflict any grievous bodily harm upon any person , either with or without any weapon or instrument shall be guilty …
14 The words in s.20 " either with or without any weapon " are pleonastic .
15 The second exemption is contained in s103(5) which provides that a valuer 's report is not required where the allotment is made by the company in connection with its proposed merger with another company , ie where one of the companies proposes to acquire all the assets ( and liabilities ) of the other in exchange for the issue of shares or other securities of that one to shareholders of the other , with or without any cash payment to shareholders .
16 If we can not understand how body ‘ should imprint any idea in the mind ’ , our having such ideas ‘ can be no reason why we should suppose matter or corporeal substances , since that is acknowledged to remain equally inexplicable with , or without this supposition ’ .
17 And yet , despite the centrality of categorization and genre to television production and consumption , there seems to lie little more behind most theoretical writing about television fiction than the given institutional programme categories — soap opera , sitcom , drama ( with or without some recognition of cross-overs and mixing ) .
18 For others , recovery may be possible simply through the appropriate Anonymous Fellowship , with or without some specialist counselling and therapeutic group sessions , or through a 12 Step treatment centre .
19 And it 's with and without all the way up to that , yeah .
20 The Dutch plan envisages people living closer to their workplace and without that happening it is hard to see how they will be persuaded to leave their cars at home .
21 After that , he never had a competitive drive again , and without that , no driver can prove his real quality .
22 Whatever the merits of that view , its popularity lessens the financial markets ' confidence in the system ; and without that confidence the system is weakened .
23 Without such powers , the SIB is unable to create a climate of fear in the financial markets ; and without that , it will find it impossible in practice to control the SROs .
24 It is the theory that in these special places gaps widen out in the texture of order and without that order uncontrollable impulses lead to meaningless and violent behaviour .
25 And without that , I would have never gotten to live the adventure of the past twelve months .
26 She had never been very obedient in other areas of her life but in the tube she was a child again , learning , wary , and without that presence which had always been there in her childhood .
27 And without that , the promised land is nothing .
28 He was having a nice seaside holiday with the added pleasure of Auguste 's presence and without that of murder .
29 Her imagined crime was something she could not tell her beloved and admired brother , and without that there had been nobody at all .
30 The old wood of the door frame gave up the struggle and splintered , freeing the tongue of the lock , and without much more trouble I pulled the door open towards me , swinging it wide .
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