Example sentences of "[coord] never [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ( Kelly 's more sophisticated approach gives figures between about 5 per cent and 10 per cent E. ) In a way it does not matter very much if our figure is not very accurate because it is seldom or never reached when testing real materials in bulk .
2 Never met or never parted
3 It also relates to the way in which subjects are not presented — to processes and procedures and methods which are rarely or never employed .
4 Reputations for beauty , grace , wit , intelligence or for strength , humour , kindness , honesty are made early or never made at all .
5 For they [ plays of other nations ] are most esteemed for learning the languages , and many of them compiled by men of great fame for wisdom and learning , which is seldom or never seen among us .
6 You will recall that when we talked about the libido theory , I said that there were erm different one of the reasons why Freud had to introduce the libido theory was he wanted to get away from the narrow biological reproductive concept of sex to do with genitals and reproduction which is of course he 'd want to expand it to include psychological never seen before er or never seen before so clearly , such as erm love of the self and , and this he gave the name narcissism , well he did n't actually , somebody else invented it not long before and he took it over very quickly .
7 Despite the fact that regular maintenance was a statutory requirement and despite some successful legal actions to enforce the statutory provisions , regular dredging and attention to leaks were perfunctory or never carried out at all by canal companies owned by the railways .
8 And the increasing use of charters in lawcourts naturally created an incentive to forge , as those who had lost or never enjoyed documentary proof of their rights strove to make good the deficiency .
9 It will certainly not seem long if you work consistently toward daily targets , in a few weeks you 'll be doing things you have n't done for years , or never thought possible .
10 A bricoleur was a handyman who , by using bits of machinery or equipment , the original purpose of which had been forgotten or never known , was able to solve immediate mechanical problems .
11 Children also have to acquire forms of written language which are rarely or never used in spoken English , since written language is not just spoken language written down .
12 Debates about what a modern health care system can be expected to provide , how limited resources can be used to best effect and what needs to be done in a broader sense to improve the health of the population are edged to the margins or never addressed .
13 I 've been playing for ten years and never hit a hole in one before — now I 've hit two . ’
14 ‘ Supposed to pick us up at lunchtime and never turned up .
15 Thus the NADP became synonymous with three General Management Development Schemes ( GMTS ) and never deployed the full range of intended options , especially the use of ‘ designated ‘ posts ’ .
16 Thus the Bishop of Durham 's theological pronouncements produce as much of a shock-horror reaction as if the Bishop 's own acknowledged precursor , Archbishop Temple , had never lived , never presided over the Anglican Church between the wars and never made essentially similar pronouncements .
17 He roared , he bellowed , he shouted with laughter , and never made a sound .
18 He left nothing of the kind with me and never made any reference to such a document .
19 Superintendent Huddleston assured his readers that pilgrims found this accommodation perfectly comfortable and never made any complaints .
20 It is difficult to infer from this passage that Strabo trusted Timagenes about the Cells and never made use of the original text of Posidonius — who had been directly or indirectly his own teacher .
21 And then And never made a mistake of course , he tried to teach me but it was just a waste of time .
22 for a bus driver and never made a bloody penny
23 Oh on the stage , yeah , but in films she came in later and only had small parts and never made
24 and never written again .
25 I did just what I had to do , and never realised that it was my best .
26 At the war 's end , charity assembled to comfort her for a brief moment and whilst wishing her long life , nevertheless dispersed and never reassembled .
27 It is as though he continued to play with toys all his life and never reached maturity .
28 They were ponderous and unfunny , and never reached an end before some new miracle in the audience brought the crowds milling round the stage , shouting and pushing and throwing gifts .
29 The other is that George shot Lennie because Lennie would have either gone to jail where Lennie could not have coped , or been shot by Curley and never reached heaven with his dreams fulfilled .
30 One feels that two hours spent in one or other of the jammed little rooms — there are four as far as I remember at this instance , two down , one up , and one in the cellar — will be rewarding , refreshing , and never questioned by the owners .
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