Example sentences of "[coord] with [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The first type of constraint examined here is the use of and or with as a means of linking two individuals , as in ( 7 ) and ( 8 ) :
2 A : Cytofluorimetric analysis of fluorescent antibody staining of Raji , RJ2.2.5 and AR cells with an anti HLA-A , B , C mAb ( B9.12.1 ) and with an anti HLA-DRA mAb ( D1.12 ) or with in the presence of the second antibody only ( control ) .
3 The irony is primarily at the expense of Mrs Moreen ( a lady less refined than she would like to appear ) , and secondarily at the expense of Pemberton ( whom we smile at and with over his impotence to get at the information he wants ) .
4 I I 'm er quoting a hypothetical situation here that we have entered production with er production line for drop tanks maybe producing two , three thousand tanks against a projected usage for the next ten years and sometime during that period we decide you want to order an additional thousand tanks two thousand tanks then you could adjust the rate at which the deliveries occur , you could adjust the the the total quantity and with about a years notice industry can get in the materials and produce the goods for you .
5 Nevertheless , that is top class form and with at least 2st in hand over his two rivals , he should not be beaten .
6 And with at least six vampire movies ( including Coppola 's Dracula and the Luke Perry starrer Buffy The Vampire Slayer ) and numerous bloodsucking books coming out between now and Christmas , Rice is particularly well-placed to take advantage of the coming vampire boom .
7 In Britain the prime consumer target is the housewife , particularly the housewife under 35 years of age and with at least one child under five years old .
8 RBL seeks to contribute towards the development of set/confidence and ability in continuing education : the student who is able to pursue further studies in later lye and with at least a latent readiness to do so .
9 Having accumulated a comfortable fortune , he returned to Britain in 1753 with his wife Elizabeth Owen , whom he had married in 1739 , and with at least one surviving child , his son Stephen .
10 and with as if it was chicken with erm parsley thyme stuffing
11 The diagnostic yield at laparotomy can be improved by combining it with preoperative or peroperative angiography to identify the bleeding segment of bowel and with on table endoscopy to find the lesion .
12 And with with when you s said in terms of renting a T V , what 's happened with them when you tried ?
13 So those are all if you like the background , the things that do change but the fundamentals that stay the same are the design and the delivery and although we 'll look a little bit although we 've er I have to say with the numbers we 've got here today it will only be a little bit about things like question and visual aids and because of the time factor if you think about it if we 've twelve people to make four presentations or we 've eight people to make four presentations time is a little bit different and with with twelve we do n't perhaps have the luxury of time that we would with eight people which is what the course was originally designed for .
14 Girls and , and with with an I is erm
15 He has sole responsibility for Belfast , but he does have regional directors going to but Brian tends to cover a general manager role and with with erm Dick ma , .
16 And with with
17 Take these away and one is left with a little body of poems from the Shire , mostly in quatrains with alternate lines rhyming , in plain language and metre and with for the most part a gently proverbial quality .
18 It is easily visible with the naked eye , and is striking in binoculars ; with × 12 there is some resolution of its outer parts , and with × 20 it is seen to be starry .
19 With × 12 it is easy , and with × 20 quite distinctive , though I have never been able to resolve even its outer parts without using a telescope .
20 With × 7 and × 8.5 its shape is not readily identifiable , but with × 12 the outline becomes more definite , and with × 20 the North American shape can be distinctly made out .
21 Delta is of type K , and with × 7 or higher magnification is very clearly orange ; it is in the same field as Pi ( 4.4 ) which is a red star of class M. Epsilon ( 3.7 ) is one of the very closest stars , at 10.7 light-years .
22 With × 7 it appears as a filmy mass ; I suspect stars with × 8.5 , and with × 20 there are plenty of stars to be seen in it , though binoculars do not bring out any distinctive shape .
23 Using × 20 , M56 is in the same field as 2 , and with × 12 the cluster , 2 , and Beta Cygni are all included .
24 It is easy to identify with × 7 , and with × 20 it is not greatly inferior to M13 in Hercules .
25 It is easy to see with × 7 as a hazy patch , and with × 12 there is a hint of resolution into stars ; many individual stars can be seen in it with × 20 .
26 The colour is really pronounced , and with × 20 the star looks almost as vividly-hued as Mu Cephei .
27 It is visible with the naked eye , and with × 12 I have suspected individual stars ; with × 20 there is undoubtedly some degree of resolution .
28 With × 7 the colour contrast between the two Thetas is noticeable , and with × 12 or × 20 it is striking .
29 Any magnification of over × 7 will start to resolve it , and with × 20 many stars in it can be seen .
30 Delta is of spectral type M ; the colour is obvious with binoculars , and with × 7 Delta and Gamma are in the same field .
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