Example sentences of "[coord] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , the claimant who has been successful in a case like the one in which the SCC judgement was rendered can bring an action for compensation of any additional financial damage sustained and/or for compensation for injury to feeling .
2 Most of lowland Britain is intensively cultivated ; upland areas tend to be used for sheep farming and/or for game ( grouse , deer etc. ) as well as for other recreational activities .
3 In the MEDLINE system , for example , the user can interactively ask for instructions at the beginning of the search , or for assistance during the search , when part of the original instructions are given as requested .
4 The occupier accepts no liability for injuries suffered by visitors or for damage to their property . "
5 It should be made clear that the value of this information for consumers would be chiefly as a yardstick against which they could measure the rates offered to them by lenders of the same type , or for credit of the same type .
6 Applications for admission should be submitted as early as possible in the session prior to that in which admission is sought and should not be delayed because the applicant is awaiting examination results or the outcome of applications for scholarships or for admission to other institutions .
7 One hypothesis consistent with our findings is that the defect might occur in genes coding either for MHC proteins or for T-cell receptor proteins .
8 Both areas are huge and good for storing gear or for shelter when cooking .
9 Awards can usually be set aside only for an error of law on the face of the award or for misconduct on the arbitrator 's part ( Meyer v Leanse [ 1958 ] 2 QB 371 ; [ 1958 ] 3 All ER 213 ; and Leung v Garbett [ 1980 ] 2 All ER 436 ) .
10 Tape-slide productions can be used for both group teaching , as for example , an illustration of a lecture or seminar , or for individual tuition , as in preparation for a course or for repetition .
11 When mechanisms are being compared it is often more meaningful to obtain the response function for the complete system or for part of the system .
12 Mair , for example , in his study of sentencing in West Yorkshire magistrates ' courts found quite small differences between the race groups in sentences , but he did not incorporate committals to the Crown Court for sentence or for trial .
13 Even if the matter were still proceeding before the justices ' court , either for the purposes of committal for trial or for trial of an information , it would be my opinion that neither section 5(1) nor section 10(1) of the Act of 1980 would apply to give the justice hearing a proceeding under section 7(5) of the Bail Act 1976 a power to adjourn that proceeding .
14 Preparing bundles for counsel or for trial .
15 Health statistics tend to relate to large psychiatric hospitals which include younger patients and often it is not possible to distinguish costs for acute or assessment beds or for outpatient or day hospital attendances .
16 Land previously used for cereals is now either used as grassland ( perhaps mainly temporary ) or for fodder crops .
17 4 Draw up systems to cover the storage , loan and possible return of items offered for testing or for photography .
18 6 Use samples to draw attention to seasonal variations and to products which are easy to overlook ; consider a general offer of products for testing or for photography .
19 Its main practical limitation was its incredibly low frets , great for Les Paul 's own style of speed-playing or for cocktail jazz , but just terrible for string-bending .
20 For a cheap standby ticket , ring Capital Airways ( 0345 800777 ) or for travel in a more traditional style ( all 3 ½ hours of it ) try the Holyhead to Dublin Ferry .
21 Money raising by the school for its own purposes or for charity is peripheral to the main business of teaching and learning .
22 I believe there is always room to improve the return on such expenditure and we have set clear targets for management , taking into account whether expenditure is for maintenance or for expansion .
23 And customers are equally reluctant to pay a premium for knobblier — but ideologically and chemically purer — fruit and vegetables , or for meat and poultry from organically reared livestock .
24 They travelled here for refuge or for rest ,
25 On top of that sum they could bid for further income to make network programmes , or for capital investment .
26 The Canadian writer Mavis Gallant put it like this : ‘ The mystery of what a couple is , exactly , is almost the only true mystery left to us , and when we have come to the end of it there will be no more need for literature — or for love , for that matter . ’
27 The conclusion seems most sensible when applied to the displays between rivals for a mate , for food or for territory .
28 Whether the money has been borrowed for investment or for consumption , both borrower and lender have made a judgement about the viability of the project and its returns .
29 A greater number than would be expected have spent long periods in plaster casts because of bone injuries , or for correction of congenital malformations .
30 Broadly this expression means any premises in which or within the close or curtilage or precincts of which , persons are employed in any process for or incidental to any of the purposes , outlined in s.175 of the Act , provided the work carried on there is part of a trade or for profit .
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