Example sentences of "[noun pl] to make them " in BNC.

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1 You had to frighten kids to make them behave , but there was no need to scare them too much .
2 You can stamp on toes , feet or shins ; knee him in the thigh or groin ; grab and squeeze testicles or pinch the soft inside of thighs along the trouser seam ; elbow him or her in the ribs or stomach if the person is behind you , or knee them in the belly if in front ; grab the little finger of one of the hands that is holding you round the waist or arms , and bend it backwards , forcing him or her to let go ; bite the side of the neck or slap a cheek or ear ; bash the nose with the front or back of your head ; force the head back by pressing your fingers up nostrils or squeezing the flats of your thumbs into eyes ; or even spit into eyes to make them blink .
3 The warriors hurled themselves at the heads or horns of their animals to make them lie down .
4 Be careful that the words sound the way they do normally , because it 's very easy when you pronounce individual words to make them sound odd .
5 A group of families living beside one of the region 's busiest commuter routes are facing a five-mile detour to get home , because they 've been marooned by roadworks.They say it 's making their lives a misery , and want engineers to make them a special short cut to improve things .
6 ‘ Those things must have implanted some sort of image in their mind , stimulated the right emotions to make them do it . ’
7 Human Designed Systems Inc this week will try to simplify X-terminals to make them as easy as serial terminal with a new version of its ViewStation FX server software dubbed HDSware 2.0 .
8 Manufacturers arc doing the weight-prone no favour in removing fibre from fruits to make them into juices .
9 The idea is to pick up individual blocks , move them around and drop them next to matching blocks to make them disappear .
10 He thought that if you could orient molecules in yarn or film — just as Wallace Carothers did when he invented nylon in the same company in the 1930s — why could n't you apply the same technique to plastic bottles to make them stronger ?
11 You can offer pralines , cakes and so on , but there 's no point — there are n't the ingredients to make them out of ’ .
12 Cristiani then told a news conference that it was not clear whether the logbooks had in fact been burnt , that Hernandez had ordered one of the defendants to make them " available " , and that it remained to be determined what subsequently happened to them .
13 Apart from the exhibits , work has progressed rapidly on restoring the various buildings to make them usable once again .
14 Some implements are set with the heads at different angles to make them easier to manoeuvre with one hand .
15 For a start , some brands of diesel now have additives to make them smell sweeter .
16 Recently , however , companies are demanding , and so suppliers are developing , systems for more effective retention of voice messages to make them truly voice records .
17 Both the Bibliography of Scotland ( BOS ) and the Union Catalogue of Art Books in Libraries in Scotland ( UCABLIS ) , formerly known as the Union Catalogue of Art Books in Edinburgh Libraries ( UCABEL ) , are now available as online catalogues , although much retrospective conversion remains to be undertaken in the case of both catalogues to make them fully beneficial for users .
18 I could see her English neighbour shutting her front door in our faces , and yet all the same we left the two children there , rushing away after I 'd pinched their cheeks to make them cry so that she 'd have to come out to them .
19 Makassar Poison , which was smeared on dagger blades to make them instantly fatal , exerted a certain fascination over Europeans .
20 They found little difficulty in agreeing with one another on the current dangers but an insuperable difficulty in communicating enough anxiety to Eastern and Western governments to make them seriously disarm .
21 Hard boil your eggs with a few drops of pink dye or coffee grains to make them skin-coloured .
22 Thompson shows that again and again in the last century these men resented efforts to make them into ‘ tools ’ or ‘ implements ’ .
23 But too much mist obscures the question what it is like to be a chimp for even the best-meaning efforts to make them make the best of meaning .
24 However , far from discrediting such polls , it encouraged efforts to make them more effective predictors of outcomes and preferences .
25 It 's helpful in the context of the dollar preference shares we want to issue because one of the factors of this very small , and as you say cheap er , historic issue of preference shares is that , er no preference shares other than those can be repaid prior to that and the dollar shares we wish to issue which are permanent shares , can be er , can be erm repaid at our option and we do want to keep that flexibility in the context of either if interest rates get very high or if the tax treaty between the U S and the U K changes to make them more onerous on the company and in those circumstances we would be inhibited by the existence of this small historic issue of preference shares and therefore it is on balance , although you 're quite right there , a cheap er , source of capital in themselves it is helpful to the company in the wider sense I believe if they are repaid .
26 These are simplified forms of the results of the self-consistent models of Hill and later workers together with engineering approximations to make them suitable for the designing of composites .
27 The digestive system of the cat is less successful in this respect and often fails to break down the dangerous elements in ingested substances to make them harmless .
28 It goes to my muscles to make them strong .
29 They act as a powerful aphrodisiac on pigs , and synthesised versions of them are sprayed onto sows to make them receptive before artificial insemination .
30 I used many things to make them cane and dowling and metal coathangers and aluminium tent-poles , and paper and plastic sheeting and dustbin bags and sheets and string and nylon rope and twine and all sorts of little straps and buckles and bits of cord and elastic bands and strips of wire and pins and screws and nails and pieces cannibalised from model yachts and various toys .
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