Example sentences of "[noun pl] to have [det] " in BNC.

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1 In complex market economies , where the decision to produce and the decision to consume are taken by different people at different points in time , it is important for manufacturers to have some idea of the likely demand for products .
2 Yet people with more or less stable impairments , struggling to make their way as oppressed citizens , do not usually appear in professional eyes to have much in common with the majority of bewildered , vulnerable people who seek medical help .
3 The day was a continuous series of interruptions so that it was difficult for clients to have any real period of rest and quiet .
4 It always has been desirable for governors in special schools to have some knowledge of the curriculum in mainstream schools and for this awareness to be reciprocated .
5 Apart from caffeine ( which does have a small effect in speeding up the metabolism ) no substance we eat or drink was proved by scientific methods to have any realistic effect in speeding away our surplus fat .
6 Indeed , the more heroic you make your hero the more you will need moments of human weakness to make it easy for readers to have that sympathetic identification .
7 With regard to the supply of lead-free 97-octane number fuel , I feel it would be of value to readers to have some idea of the problems involved .
8 Will he take steps to have that issue ventilated in a multi-question referendum of the people , which could perhaps be held in harmony with the general election ?
9 Dr McGowan , the Chief Medical Officer , reported to the County Secretary that there was no immediate danger to the public health but called as a matter of urgency for a resolution to the problem , as lead is a cumulative poison : ‘ The continual exposure of people to such high levels of lead is a definite health hazard and remedies to have this matter rectified should be carried out as a matter of urgency ’ .
10 He swiftly decided that it would be better for the Elves to have these people as allies rather than enemies .
11 It is therefore still necessary for businessmen to have some understanding of the extent to which Articles 85 and 86 are capable of applying to mergers .
12 Although the dauphin , Charles , who assumed power in his father 's place , showed himself to be a fine leader and a man of courage , he appeared in the circumstances to have little choice but to negotiate without giving away too much .
13 They expected workers to have little or no idea of their needs and to be out of sympathy with their interests or attitudes .
14 And Boniface should ask them what sort of gods have allowed the Christians to have all the lands rich in wine and oil and other goods , and have left the heathens only with the frozen North .
15 However , these figures must be related to average company incomes to have much meaning .
16 To be useful , a bistable needs to have more sophisticated access to its inputs .
17 As every flat needs to have these service spaces , and such spaces occupy a fixed minimum area in a flat of any size , it made sense to maximise this internal accommodation in order to utilise fully the broad interior , and this was achieved by making the majority of flats one-bedroom or bedsitter units .
18 It is also very important for the elephants to have several carers .
19 John Major is the first prime minister in 40 years to have any background in local government .
20 It meant that instead of an immediate hunting ban on all the 148 tenant farms owned by the council , only new tenancies would be affected , so in reality ban will take years to have any real effect .
21 For the reverse engineering provisions to have any real effect , the word " substantial " would have to be interpreted in a quantitative sense which would run counter to copyright law .
22 It is envisaged that the warranties will encompass the operations of the business , taxation , the statutory accounts of Name for the year ended 24th June , 19XX and the marketable title to the properties and be subject to a maximum claim limit of £2,000,000 and a de minimis level of £250,000 that must be exceeded for the vendors to have any liability under the warranties .
23 Far from providing a new kind of experience and ‘ meaning ’ , at bottom ( on Gellner 's view ) these counter-cultures depended on the existence of mainstream society and culture for their critiques to have any purchase .
24 Right now it would have taken more than a memory of someone else 's predictions to have any effect on the blazing anger stirring in her at the prospect of sweaty workmen and a ruined holiday .
25 Parents often complain that they can only get help or support when they have identified themselves as having a specific problem , and it is not unusual for some families to have several different workers trying to offer support and advice on specific problems which , in reality , are part of a whole situation .
26 Then after the elections , the elections are to have a constituent assembly and that constituent assembly will work out our new constitution in the country and from that constituent assembly we hope also to form a national government of unity , of national unity and that 'll continue maybe for five years in order to give stability to the country and this of course also means a concession because it 's a concession to the existing power structures to have some kind of stability .
27 They were highly regarded by the farmers , both for their local knowledge and their strenuous efforts to have this knowledge understood and used by the MAFF scientists in Whitehall .
28 And see s.24(3) : [ n ] o goods shall be regarded as having continued to be stolen after they have been returned to the person from whom they were stolen or to other lawful possession or custody or after that person and any other person claiming through him have otherwise ceased as regards these goods to have any right to restitution in respect of the theft .
29 The US proposal was designed to assuage European , particularly German , ambitions to have more influence in NATO 's nuclear forces without jeopardizing American control of the Western nuclear deterrent .
30 It will undoubtedly be an advantage to governing bodies to have more control over the resources of their schools and greater flexibility in the deployment and use of staff , premises and materials .
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