Example sentences of "[noun pl] without [be] " in BNC.

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1 The sun was so hot it was impossible to open his eyes without being blinded .
2 The mist looked as though it had been created by the BBC special effects department for a studio play about Jack the Ripper , and yards away I could hear voices without being able to see the humans making the sound .
3 You may browse in the shops without being shadowed or prodded into buying .
4 The scheme is designed to give shoppers better access to shops without being confined to the narrow pavements .
5 This is typical of what it involves to speak a language fluently : you can do something consistently and in agreement with other speakers without being able to explain why .
6 Fittingly , after an ex-McCarthyite and Wolfhound have been peddling their wares , God Is My … stutter back to the ‘ C86 ’ era when Stump were taken seriously and people would bend their guitars into curious shapes without being openly ridiculed .
7 In some cases that were drawn to the attention of the Juridical and Human Rights Commission of the main Protestant organization ( CEPAD ) , people had been held for as long as three months without being interrogated .
8 The five affected ministers were believed to have expressed the desire to step down , but Chandra Shekhar ruled out their resignation , taking the strictly technical line that they could continue as ministers for six months without being members of parliament .
9 She reported initial agreement on medical evacuations from the city , where some badly wounded people have lain for months without being able to get proper treatment or artificial limbs .
10 Nevertheless , there are enormous dividends in being able to discuss functions independently of physical mechanisms and to explain relationships without being restricted to established and readily observable physical connections or separations .
11 Just at the moment she had her own anxieties without being expected to worry about other people 's .
12 It makes no more sense to talk about solutions without being absolutely clear about what problems they solve , than it does to talk about excellent answers to questions that have never been posed .
13 The new constitution of the Labour Party made it possible in 1918 for members to join local labour parties without being enrolled in an affiliated organization .
14 On the one hand , such proposals seem no more than simple common sense : why should courts decide disputes without being aware of the wider ramifications of what they are deciding .
15 It 's as if someone today wanted to write down Napoleon 's words and deeds without being able to consult a single written document , only vague memories and anecdotes .
16 ‘ Nothing ’ , as Edmund Blunden noted , ‘ seems to have caught his eye or any of his five or more senses without being for ever ready to serve his vision . ’
17 For those who find walking just a little to much like hard work , take the longest chairlift in Europe to the ‘ First ’ peak at 7,150 ft and enjoy the glorious views and the grandeur of the mountains without being out of breath !
18 The majority of deliveries to the distribution centres are now also being despatched directly from the Slough filling lines without being stocked on site , with a new system of bar coding for ‘ full pallets ’ made up of single product lines .
19 A volunteer tries to retrieve the keys without being caught out and , if successful , becomes the new ‘ keeper ’ ) .
20 Can they convey something to the visitors without being seen to do so ?
21 Most have managed to co-operate with politicians and businessmen without being co-opted by them .
22 But the question is , can he both maintain that monads do not reduce to bundles of qualities and continue to adhere to his principle of indiscernibles without being guilty of a serious inconsistency ?
23 They won short corners without being able to penetrate the Old Loughtonians defence and often the final pass went astray , so when the second goal came , the large crowd knew it was all over .
24 This phenomenon is explained by the fact that elements can be introduced into mental models without being explicitly mentioned .
25 A trellis panel can provide privacy and a framework for climbing plants without being too obtrusive .
26 Finally , it should be noted that central government does sometimes voluntarily pay compensation to injured individuals without being held liable to do so and even when legal liability to do so may be doubtful or non-existent .
27 After school my father used to accompany him on his rounds in the car , and during these journeys they had ample time to exchange ideas without being overheard .
28 Many on the Left positively sought out Communists and espoused Communist ideas without being enticed , misled or coerced .
29 Training focused on topics such as the problems of identifying those who should receive the care programme approach , assessing needs without being prescriptive , and achieving inter-professional cooperation for reviews .
30 No one could have gone into the O.P wings and shot Michael Banks without being seen by Alex Household .
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