Example sentences of "[noun pl] just as " in BNC.

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1 Like most Chinese children unfortunate enough to grow up in the Sixties , Zeng 's education was severely disrupted by the Cultural Revolution , and he had to sit through the shouting matches and brain-washing sessions just as everyone else did .
2 There is a great deal wrong with quantitative methods just as there is a great deal wrong with qualitative ones .
3 The saucy six RUN their hands up the men 's legs just as they are about to make a vital shot .
4 This was not just a problem for women in printing : it was one by all women who were drawn into industrial trades just as mechanization was creating a new division of labour .
5 Security can also be a problem here , so try to park in highly visible places which are less likely to be jammed by visitors ' cars just as you want to get home .
6 I prefer to leave pictures just as I finish them in front of the subject .
7 In fact , ‘ have a nice day ’ was originally coined as a deliberately longer and more personal message to have ringing in customers ' ears just as they walked off the premises , instead of the terminal ‘ bye ’ or ‘ see yah ’ , so they 'd come back .
8 If one of the dietary amino acids is made radioactive ( as in the experiment I described in Chapter 2 ) and fed to or injected into an animal , it is incorporated into the proteins just as its fellow , non-radioactive amino acids are , and the proteins become slightly radioactive in their turn by virtue of containing the radioactive amino acid .
9 Bright evening sunlight glared through the windscreen , dazzling her after the gloom , and she raised a hand to shade her eyes just as Luke Calder turned the car into the road , cutting in front of a lorry so close that her stomach lurched .
10 Though , you know , there 's a sense in which we can use , we we 're a , we gave it in you to have a certain amount of license , and we can use illustrations just as we would use modern illustrations to describe spiritual truths and to use them to illustrate the gospel .
11 Angle bending modes may give rise to characteristic frequencies just as stretching modes do , but bending frequencies are much more variable .
12 He believes that manufacturers simply need to be aware of the electromagnetic environments surrounding their products just as they would be aware of temperatures .
13 In the Guides you will work for Interest Badges just as you have done in Brownies .
14 I entered the woods just as three mortar explosions occurred in quick succession , somewhere in the trees a short distance away .
15 From that moment Tess found she could whistle tunes to the birds just as Mrs d'Urberville wanted .
16 In these metaphysical realms things would have intrinsic natures and relational properties which would contrast with their intrinsic values just as in nature .
17 Thrips or thunder flies as they are sometimes called because of their tendency to fly in clouds when thunder threatens — are minute midge-like flies that like to get into buds just as the bud scales ( sepals ) are opening and lay their eggs there .
18 Clozapine entered further trials just as other neuroleptics were found to produce catalepsy and the reversal of amphetamine effects in animals .
19 He reached the doorway to his cellars just as one of the trolls , with a lazy flick of one ham-sized hand , sent his axe whirling across the room .
20 People are already beginning to think of pre- and post-AIDS periods just as we in the seventies grew accustomed to thinking of pre- and post-gay liberation periods .
21 I , the armchair observer , lament the cessation of the old skills and crafts just as I deplore the desecration of the open fields by more and more bypasses , pylons , wires , bungalows , concrete , traffic and litter .
22 The Head , who had obviously prepared a lengthy moralising talk for this historic first assembly in the new sports hall rose to his feet just as the bell for the end of assembly rang .
23 Taylor led off eight Hurricanes in V7671 , climbing to 28,000 feet , when many Ju87s were seen below at about 10,000 feet just as the A.A. barrage opened up against them .
24 Fran said : ‘ Fingers crossed , she can soon sit in class with all the other youngsters just as she has always wanted .
25 Fierce local loyalties and rivalries were the life-blood of the amateur football leagues just as they had been in parish recreations a century before , and this carried over into commercial spectator sport , which offered a new kind of community life and identity .
26 There were some contradictions in their stated motives just as in a previous ‘ chuguo chao ’ .
27 One can still climb Lewesdon through its aisles of trees and see the wide scene with its distinctive landmarks just as Crowe saw it , though the crowding sails of the ships of the line and the merchantmen have gone .
28 Each band here represents one year we can age the , the coral by counting its bands just as trees can be banded by counting .
29 Our original vector is then made up of these constituent vectors just as our quantum mechanical states were composed of combinations of other states .
30 I also got to hear how she intended to jack in her job at the insurance brokers just as soon as they 'd taught her how to use the word-processor and go and work somewhere interesting like in an ad agency or for a travel agent .
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