Example sentences of "[noun pl] could [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One suggestion was that 250 of the Jews could at least be disembarked to make room for those on shore .
2 Pakistan , Iran , India and the Gulf states having mostly refused military bases to the superpowers could in his view credibly affirm their opposition to the permanent presence of Soviet troops in Afghanistan and endorse the objective of returning Afghanistan to a non-aligned status .
3 However , where both parties are acting as businessmen , both parties could in theory incur " business liability " , and thus become subject to s 2(1) .
4 So the dinosaurs could in theory have continued to pile on genetic advantages .
5 As the paper was to be printed on contract presses with pages faxed across electronically , its editorial offices could in theory be based anywhere .
6 Though it is mistaken to suppose that the British made no effort to leave the Masai better than they found them , it is clear that their potential emergence from the colonial period much as they had entered it was something their administrators could in the end accept with equanimity .
7 The power to make decisions that is located within companies could in principle be vested in , or at least shared with , the affected groups .
8 Re-definition on such lines could without a statute be effected by the House of Lords , which alone has sufficient authority to attempt the task , and would not involve much disturbance of decided cases ; there are certainly many obiter dicta at all levels to be sacrificed , but that would be a most desirable result .
9 Such a play on emotions could of course be depicted in different ways .
10 You 'd thought that these houses could of least put a bit of paint on
11 The Wolverines ' stock of blast and frag grenades would likewise be of little avail , though since each grenade hardly bulked larger than a coin the Scouts could at least retain their pursefuls of those in case they needed to kill at a distance .
12 In the case just considered , social institutions could in principle be an expression of a pre-cultural disposition .
13 The BERI value for each country is assessed by giving the country a score for each factor and applying the factor weighting , so that index values could in theory range from 0 ( 0 O 25 ) to 100 ( 4 O 25 ) .
14 Class III stations could in fact exhibit a great diversity of style and size , while many a class IV , like that at Shumikha , could seem little different in scale .
15 The subsidies could in fact be used for converting barns etc for accommodation , and for path building and maintainance .
16 Yet at the same time local officers and shop stewards of the same unions were finding themselves party to local , enterprise-level agreements setting the terms under which temporary workers could for the first time be used , or under which their use could be expanded .
17 This means that , strictly speaking , banks could at any time increase their lending quite sharply provided they were happy to incur the risk in so doing .
18 A gradual change in the countryside from brown to green meant that farmers could at last take advantage of buying less feed and the buoyant demand dwindled .
19 Intermarriage between members of well-connected families could at any particular time create ties between them , and have repercussions in city politics .
20 International intergovernmental organizations such as Unidroit and UNCITRAL and the specialist agencies could in theory select any of the available instruments but for practical reasons usually choose the route of a Convention ( with or without Uniform Rules ) or a Model Law .
21 In addition , the organized networks could to a certain extent rely on intimidation and social pressure .
22 Some of these mixtures contained as many as fifty or sixty different ingredients , and Hahnemann reasoned that the combined effects of so many different substances could in no way be known .
23 Each of these problems could in turn be broken down into sub-problems .
24 Note that although the actions of the mother , father and child might well have been part of one connected incident , the cuts to the first shot of the older child and to the shot of the father getting to his feet open up the possibility that the actions could in fact have been parts of separate but similar incidents which took place over a very much longer span of time ; the shot of the father could well have been contrived specially , with the help of a little direction from the cameraman in between shots .
25 The Yale and Michigan studies found that some searches initiated as known-item searches could in fact be subject searches or could develop into subject searches .
26 Erm and any of these things could of course be brought to a meeting to be referred to .
27 The hangers could in fact go , go in there because that looked to be rather a good hanger , frankly .
28 Feminists from the beginning of the twentieth century onwards have criticised the assumption that a different architectural mode and mechanical devices could by themselves rationalise housework .
29 These diseases could at least be given the same priority as other diseases .
30 People said things like for instance well females are n't intelligent enough to make choices and er which is , which is clearly pretty silly , and er there was also I think and the uncomfortable erm prospect that females could in some way or another control the evolution in males which I do n't think it appealed to the Victorians either and in fact many social Darwinists like Edward Westermark for example rejected the whole concept of sexual selection as Darwin called it the female choice , because it did n't promote survival of the fittest .
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