Example sentences of "[adv] with [pron] " in BNC.

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1 My beer was to be in a posh hotel where I was being treated for my birthday , and after the heaven of getting out of a T-shirt that was generating its own new species of life in the arm pits , and into a hot bath , I looked forward to discussing the day eagerly with my companion .
2 He dressed quickly , all the time arguing fiercely with himself , working out possible conversations with his mother , and what he would say to her , the devastating arguments he would present … and all the time he knew that she would say her piece and he would agree .
3 Ace pulled her savagely into his arms , and possessed her mouth fiercely with his own .
4 Well , he would n't , would he ? she argued fiercely with herself ; he thought he knew the type of girl she was .
5 She had gone home to her room , she had debated fiercely with herself , she had rung up Rory 's mother .
6 ‘ We were rather brusque and offhand with her when she came in that first time , ’ Waterman remembered .
7 Dustin starts by playing Timothy Mouse to Voight 's Dumbo , although his voice seems to be dubbed by Mel Blanc , first as Daffy Duck ( whom he resembles somewhat with his beak and slicked-down black hair ) , then as a consumptive Bugs Bunny .
8 Horace may or may not have believed in the divinities and demi-gods he poetically invokes ( he often deals whimsically with them , and he describes himself as — not much of a churchgoer ) but they were at the very least a cultural property that he held in common with his audience ; he could assume that his readers — represented by Torquatus — would take the point if , in developing a theme , he reminded them of a name out of history or legend .
9 ‘ Giovanna may get on better with them .
10 What is more , each time the market leader unveiled a new processor , the Japanese competition went one better with its own machines .
11 American policy disliked EFTA as an unnecessary complication , not for what it was , but because the EEC seemed to fit better with its own strategic , if not economic , interests .
12 It has yet to be proved to me that these men out of the dingy side-streets ever did anything better with their free time and their shillings . ’
13 With some concentrated help , they can learn to communicate much better with their own families and the world around them .
14 However , this need not be too serious an objection , and the fact that native speakers seem to think that this transcription fits better with their feelings about the language is a good argument in its favour .
15 Your mother had an amazing imagination — that 's where yours comes from — she could have done so much better with her life …
16 After a while I decided it was best to try and help her get on better with her father , and now by interfering between them I 've been the cause of her being kidnapped .
17 How simple and shining it all had looked when she was young and mama was preaching democracy and she went one better with her faith in Fabian Socialism .
18 I can talk better with me teeth in . ’
19 THE Queen has always liked Fergie and gets on much better with her than she does with her other daughter-in-law , Princess Diana .
20 The girls got on better with her than any of the rest of us did .
21 But at least she knew her kids were going to grow up : I know nothing 's going to change for the better with her .
22 ‘ I felt I could do it better with myself .
23 To summarise , then ; On one hand we have the environmental savings , the fewer natural resources used up , less land wasted on rubbish , and people feeling a lot better with themselves ; and on the other , the high costs of recycling , and the cost of the end product .
24 The one good thing was that I began to get on much better with my children .
25 I would do no better with my dream .
26 If this innocent practice helps you relax and to cope better with your pregnancy , I reckon you should just lie back and enjoy it .
27 I hope get on better with your Glen Ess women than me .
28 Dennis Hopper fared no better with his masterpiece , The Last Movie , and the outcome , especially in his personal life , would hold some interesting developments for Nicholson .
29 By the end of the programme Gary was much happier , showing much more pro-social behaviour and getting on a good deal better with his parents .
30 His attitude was that of one the soldiers whose income by the sword he said he would better with his pen .
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