Example sentences of "[adv] to [det] " in BNC.

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1 The tercentenary of the church in Cambridge where we met was to be held in June that year , and we looked forward eagerly to that reunion , and to another reunion in May with friends in the Lake District .
2 Yet it happens daily to some public relations person somewhere .
3 Surely she 'd have done better to many young Charlie Bainbridge and settle down to starting a family .
4 While I owe much to that tradition and trust that I am still persona grata within it , in many respects I have gone beyond Evangelical thought on matters to do with the Church and sacraments .
5 The different reactions to the military adventures of James III and James IV owe much to that most fundamental aspect of rule , the ability to evoke enthusiasm and affection — love , as contemporaries would have said ; the former failed to inspire what the latter clearly got in such great measure that the Scots were willing to countenance the idea of a crusade against the Turks , and in 1513 were even prepared to break the habit of more than a century , of avoiding major pitched battles with the English .
6 Another is Padfoot , a creature with long , smooth hair who will creep unheard alongside a traveller , then suddenly rattle a chain , much to that person 's consternation .
7 The revolt against the Mr Bush 's presidency a ran all to Mr Clinton 's benefit and not much to that of Mr Perot , the acid-tongued Texas billionaire who styled himself the unorthodox candidate of protest .
8 We just want to say thank you very much to all of you for coming and listening .
9 The profession owes much to all the good work done by the tutors .
10 In fact , it was the sort of autonomy that Dustin had already won on his last two pictures , and would retain , much to many directors ' displeasure , in most of his future ventures .
11 Factoring itself is not a term that means much to many outsiders , although invoice discounting has the virtue of describing what it does .
12 In one way or another a great many people owed much to this benevolent physician and he gave to Philip Miller an opportunity which would ultimately benefit botany and horticulture throughout the world .
13 Sadly , Jimmy died in 1989 , but all of the achievements owe much to this dear , departed , friend .
14 It certainly continued to give opportunity for glory , for self-advancement , and for material gain ; in that respect it has not changed much to this day .
15 One can not be so clear when considering other mosaics which appear to owe much to this manner of arrangement and depiction .
16 Eva was never afraid to speak her mind , and she had an uncanny knack of putting her finger right on a problem , much to some people 's discomfiture .
17 Gardening owed much to these cooperative captains ; the two mentioned above faithfully observed Miller 's directions for the transport of plants , set out at length in the Dictionary .
18 The subtle qualities of Hartley Wood glasses , their colours , such as liney gold pink which contains real gold , and their irregular , seedy , striated effects , own much to these discoveries .
19 Thank you very much to those who volunteered , or who were volunteered to help , especially to who worked as hard as I did to get the whole thing set up .
20 Thanks very much to those who volunteered .
21 I ai n't gon na start with the strengths we 're starting with the the threats basically to that s er .
22 What 's stress to one person is n't stress necessarily to another .
23 Wave after wave of a pleasure bordering on exaltation raised her gently to some peak , ebbed a little , then carried her up again , more fiercely than before .
24 This proposal , rejected by Iran as failing to address the issue of troop withdrawals to internationally recognised boundaries , involved ( i ) direct talks between Iran and Iraq in each other 's capitals under UN auspices ; ( ii ) the unconditional release of all sick and wounded prisoners of war ( PoWs ) ; and ( iii ) the opening of the Iran-Iraq borders to allow the resumption of civilian travel , especially to each other 's Islamic shrines .
25 The ubiquity and sensitivity of magnetic minerals , the speed and versatility of measuring equipment and the persistence of magnetic linkages between source and sediment make the emerging methodology ideally suited to both process- and reconstruction-oriented catchment studies and more especially to that integration of the two approaches so strongly advocated in recent time .
26 Mrs Gould who I am happy to say is quite well has been fully occupied in making drawings of the soft parts of the birds together with appropriate plants flowers berries etc. which will be introduced into my work and I trust from the fund of information I shall be enabled to add that the book will not be void of interest especially to all lovers of ornithology …
27 As throughout the Dictionary , each species is fully described and Miller added notes of int ; rest , especially to those from overseas .
28 He draws a clear line between individual patronage which had declined by this time , and the subscription method which , while it left authors obliged especially to those who solicited for them , reduced individual dependence :
29 This part suggests some ways of designing your own printed circuit board artwork , which will appeal especially to those who have invested in the necessary equipment to fabricate boards with the ultra-violet method .
30 I also want to express my deep appreciation especially to those who took the time to pray for me .
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