Example sentences of "[adv] look at " in BNC.

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1 You must go to the casualty department of a hospital to have any wound properly looked at , as soon as possible .
2 The occasion of a partner leaving or joining the firm should always be taken as the opportunity to update the provisions of the agreement and , since each single provision is properly looked at in the context of the entire document , it is the whole agreement which should then be reconsidered and not simply isolated clauses .
3 For example , Brunsdon notes that ‘ Hollywood , as the world-dominant cinema , exports ideals of White femininity worldwide ’ , yet feminist critics have rarely looked at this aspect of the Hollywood dream-machine in their copious critiques of it .
4 This helps to reinforce the meaning of the structures students are learning , and ensures that form is rarely looked at in isolation .
5 Er I suppose erm er the , most of the people I 've seen in the last ten years have been people either approaching retirement , planning for retirement or actually at the point of retirement and er we 've obviously looked at this course over a number of years and we try to sort of distil it down to the basics of things that we think are important er and that we think will be useful to you .
6 Cox said that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC ) , which had only looked at direct CFC warming effects , will now investigate the interactions .
7 However , a few managers , probably because of the pressure of work , had only looked at the business plan the night before . ’
8 Well Sandy , we 've only looked at a few of the things in your shed and a very few of your photographs but it 's been fascinating .
9 Er no I think it wa I think it was our , our mistake er , there was there were sixteen of us there and seven of us had sort of clubbed together looked at the menu and it 's it 's fifteen ninety five , to , the rich main course banquet
10 Also , remember that Windows only looks at its INI files when it starts up , so it wo n't see any changes that you make to them until Windows is restarted .
11 At very least this habit will get us out of a rigid frame of mind which only looks at the problem in away determined by experience .
12 He does n't look at your feet , he only looks at your teeth .
13 No it , I think it actually runs on the sixteenth but it only looks at premiums up to the fifteenth , think that 's built into the , the , the parameters on it .
14 At present , however , there is only limited British research available on such issues and much looks at only parts of the process .
15 We can not tell which it was by merely looking at the facts ; we have to ask what his purpose actually was .
16 She was the epitome of fashionable glamour and , merely looking at her , Constance felt swamped .
17 While it has made no formal application to offer video-on-demand to customers — the official line is that it is merely looking at the technology 's potential — it is already clear that it faces a tough task convincing regulatory bodies that it has the right to do so .
18 Merely looking at the final stage of supply can obscure the full range of options open to a particular firm in its choice of serving foreign markets .
19 Merely looking at one 's watch and giving the right time is usually enough to prevent the completely accurate recall of an unfamiliar telephone number .
20 Er and therefore it looks at erm the indirect impact of development erm and it 's it 's more sophisticated one might say than merely looking at the quality of the land .
21 Today 's martial artists are constantly looking at other forms of combat technique in order to broaden and improve their own fighting methods .
22 Catering establishments of all types are constantly looking at ways of saving energy without reducing performance and there are a number of areas within the kitchen where such savings can be made .
23 In terms of safety we are constantly looking at it and if we can learn anything at all we 'll put whatever procedures we can in place .
24 He was gloomily looking at his registration book on Tuesday morning .
25 He knows that he is only looking at ink on paper , yet his nervous system responds to it in the same kind of way as it might respond to a real woman .
26 It should be a condition , for anyone thinking about development to resist trying to infer how a structure develops by only looking at the final result .
27 No have a look , you 're only looking at the beginning of it here try again
28 But anyway , the whole problem we face now is how to do more samples because we 're only looking at intercourse in the cores of , say , a thousand or two thousand year spacing , we 've got to get down to a few hundred year spacing to really see some of the changes in climate that we know have gone on .
29 He 's only looking at that bit .
30 John Heminges said they were dark , cruel plays , and that Will was only looking at the black side of people .
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