Example sentences of "[adv] look [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Twice a week she vengefully looks in here to dust the place , and dirty all the dishes , and worry the bed .
2 The league table for parts of the body to benefit most looks like this :
3 You must go to the casualty department of a hospital to have any wound properly looked at , as soon as possible .
4 The occasion of a partner leaving or joining the firm should always be taken as the opportunity to update the provisions of the agreement and , since each single provision is properly looked at in the context of the entire document , it is the whole agreement which should then be reconsidered and not simply isolated clauses .
5 ‘ No industry can function effectively without a work force which is content and properly looked after .
6 ‘ No industry can function effectively without a work force which is content and properly looked after .
7 It was a pretty little garden — or at feast , it could have been , if it had been properly looked after .
8 Agony aunt Claire Rayner said last night : ‘ People are often despairing — especially in the cases of offspring whose ageing parents fear they will not be properly looked after when they have gone .
9 It is clearly undesirable and often more expensive to admit or keep in district general hospitals or long stay hospitals old or mentally ill or mentally handicapped people who could be properly looked after in the community .
10 It 's lucky she 's being properly looked after . ’
11 I have been asked to see that you are properly looked after in your retirement . ’
12 It was never properly looked after and could sometimes have as much as two inches of muddy water in it — enough for a child to drown in if he fell over .
13 Daddy feared I would not be properly looked after .
14 Such a policy of extensification would avoid food mountains and ensure that our land was properly looked after by farmers who want to work and who expect a reasonable return for their efforts .
15 In developing a thorough electronic information resource in the current climate of Town Hall life it is just as important to improve the facilities for a central electronic archive as it is to ensure that the paper records are properly looked after .
16 Perhaps this debate wo n't be as lively and er as controversial as the one that er we arranged to have on the question of insider dealing but it is an important matter because auditing as I said , is not just as assistance to companies but it is a reassurance to the general public and the public at the moment are in need of grave reassurance that the insur that the er the financial services industry as well as industry generally , is being properly looked after and for these reasons er although we support er the orders before er the house tonight , we have no hesitation at all in ensuring that they are debated properly than not something that should simply go through on the nod .
17 There are authorities working there in conjunction with the market to make sure the animals are properly looked after .
18 A major feature is that real space time is Riemannian , that is to say it is curved yet locally looks like the flat space time of special relativity much as a portion of a spherical surface of linear extent much smaller than the radius looks flat .
19 When terrestrial objects are viewed through a telescope , it is possible to separate the viewed object from aberrations contributed by the telescope because of the observer 's familiarity with what a tower , a ship , etc. looks like .
20 The union representative is looking into the case to see if the company have a negligence claim to answer , but at the moment it rather looks as if it was entirely Len 's fault .
21 No. 23 had a front garden the size of a Kleenex which was either badly looked after or was one of the new butterfly sanctuaries Greenpeace were trying to establish .
22 Slater , who rarely looks like adding to his tally of one goal for Celtic , missed a peach even by his standards after good work by Collins , Payton and McAvennie .
23 For example , Brunsdon notes that ‘ Hollywood , as the world-dominant cinema , exports ideals of White femininity worldwide ’ , yet feminist critics have rarely looked at this aspect of the Hollywood dream-machine in their copious critiques of it .
24 This helps to reinforce the meaning of the structures students are learning , and ensures that form is rarely looked at in isolation .
25 The president , in the modern age , is the key political actor and the public constantly looks to him for initiatives , services and solutions .
26 Er I suppose erm er the , most of the people I 've seen in the last ten years have been people either approaching retirement , planning for retirement or actually at the point of retirement and er we 've obviously looked at this course over a number of years and we try to sort of distil it down to the basics of things that we think are important er and that we think will be useful to you .
27 ‘ It has failed , ’ he said , then suddenly looked as if he wished he had bitten his tongue .
28 But the geographical differences pale when they are compared to the deep threefold divisions which rend the city itself : of language ( four-fifths of the population speak French , only one fifth English and the smaller languages ) ; of culture ( the French-speaking part naturally looks to France and French literature for its mores , while the English-speaking part relies on the attachment to the Commonwealth and its close neighbour , the United States of America ) ; and of religion ( for the gulfs here are wider than the Atlantic as the former protestant cross-sectioning of Episcopalianism/Presbyterianism meets the Roman Catholicism of the French , and both meet the surging secularism and agnosticism of our day ) .
29 ‘ The constable in certain districts ’ , The Pall Mall Gazette ( 19 February 1901 ) observed , ‘ is apparently looked upon as the common enemy whom it is right to kick and beat whenever that can be done with safety . ’
30 He might also have said , as he had on countless occasions , that although he had constantly looked to the British for advice , he distrusted them acutely .
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