Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The accused may admit the exposure was wilful etc. verbally and/or by making a statement under caution .
2 The other place I 've been to is Thailand , where prostitution is blatantly up-front and hard to avoid .
3 Humour is very subtle in ‘ Great Expectations ’ as more often than not Dickens will just use parts of the language wittily rather than the obvious physical humour surrounding Pumblechook .
4 Such organizations look inward rather than outward .
5 ‘ How are you going to introduce me ? ’ she asked tartly , denying most vigorously that she could be jealous in any remote way .
6 These cells respond most vigorously when a combination of wavelengths is used for the illumination , and the area of the stimulus is seen as strongly coloured by human observers .
7 Right right right right and does he live locally ?
8 Right right and giving things away .
9 If you decide to design your own lace pattern , do remember that you must transfer to both left and right rather than in just one direction or you may finish up with a definite bias in your knitting .
10 Well I I prefer to be employed right rather than
11 The sexes differed perhaps most conspicuously when voting for felines , and only the tiger attracted roughly equal proportions of votes from both sexes .
12 When the teacher inhibits the child from pointing and pretends not to be able to see the picture , the child understands that the communicative situation has changed , that she can no longer rely on the shared visual context and she makes her reference explicit ( the teddy ) , locates him verbally rather than by pointing to him ( on the chair ) and makes explicit how the second picture differs from the first ( there ai n't no teddy ) .
13 This suggests that this short-term store is auditorily rather than visually based even when the task is visual-motor .
14 However , it is obviously important that the targets are relevant ( e.g. based upon international comparisons ) , that reasonable detail on the outcomes is available , and most importantly that clearly defined action is taken to improve poor performance .
15 The necessary analytic underpinning for the consensus was the belief that the state could manipulate the economy to achieve these goals , most importantly that it could always change spending to ensure full employment .
16 There are many references to our caves but the writers do not seem to have gone beyond the entrances and we are left wondering what they are like inside and most importantly whether they were ever lived in , and if so , by whom .
17 Most importantly and uniquely the Databank also contains information on the bargaining structure context for each bargaining group .
18 This example of practical remembrance is paralleled in our other welfare facilities — at Sussexdown and Richard Peack House and the Eagle Lodges — and perhaps most importantly as we reach out through our Honorary Welfare Officers and out members to find and to help individuals in need .
19 Second , administration is accompanied by a form of inquisitorial justice in which judicial institutions act assertively rather than passively , inquisitorially rather than adversarially .
20 There has been , or appears to have been , a hole in the wall that 's been plastered up rather badly but above that housing , that cover
21 However , the market took the news rather badly and cut the price of the existing STC share by 34p on the day of announcement .
22 Pisa have some fine individual players , the number ten er finished the first half having er had attention , limping rather badly and er Pisa have all their substitutes who 've remained out and are warming up .
23 Theda 's smile went a little awry as the memories pierced her .
24 Steve Bloomer of Derby or Billy Meredith at Manchester were famous locally rather than nationally .
25 This will mean that funding will go where it is most needed locally rather than according to a set of priorities determined in Whitehall .
26 As to their method of achieving their object , short of World War III beginning , I think they will adopt the well tried tactics of preparing the country from within rather than resort to open aggression , although ‘ frontier incidents ’ will doubtless continue .
27 It is indeed the case that both of these " new branches " professed an orthodox Arminian theology and regarded themselves as movements within rather than against the Church of England .
28 Francis added : ‘ I 'm all in favour of lots of goals , but I like to see them created properly rather than artificially .
29 Such anger and defensiveness is commonplace and understandable because our society is accustomed to the stereotype pictures of alcoholism and drug or other addictions as disorders of weak-willed and immoral people who need to be taught firm lessons on how to behave themselves properly rather than as ill people who need to be helped to become well .
30 Syl 's mother disapproved of this most bitterly and rebuked me for waste .
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