Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 In its final moments a sophisticated urbane man in a nightclub is led discreetly through a back door into a room which is a mortuary run by nuns , one of whom shows him a dead body drawn out of a wall on a slab .
2 Since in the epi-classical period the differences between legacies and trusts persisted there is no reason to suppose that the publisher of Scaevola 's works would have used the terms interchangeably as a matter of deliberate policy .
3 For example , an energy flow from left to right through a flow from foreground to background should produce an upwards driving force that becomes diagonally anticlockwise .
4 The teacher stands back and observes Christopher ( 4.7 ) as he tries to cut right through a block of wood with a tenon saw only half its width .
5 Stars could not shine were it not for particles — called neutrinos — that are so insubstantial that they have no mass at all and can travel right through a solid object like the Earth as if it simply did not exist .
6 The birds went off at noisy full-throttle , right through a herd of deer which had been grazing quietly till then .
7 And indeed , watched curiously by a solitary policeman below , he passes right through a library ( ** ) by Hawksmoor , and emerges on the other side coughing slightly from the dust in the books .
8 The hands can lead you right through a painting .
9 Much more energetic particles can be produced by cosmic-rays , which themselves are so energetic that they can readily pass right through a magnetosphere .
10 One of the things that some chaps found amusing when they went to the " heads " ( the head is what the Navy calls the loo ) , you sat in a long row and a great flush of water ran right through a row of 20 or 30 .
11 When planners put forward proposals to build a road right through a beautiful stretch of country or to quarry an unspoiled area of a national park , The Ramblers ' Association puts up strong opposition .
12 how value it is , and most insurance , yeah , that 's right through a brokers .
13 The word ‘ man ’ is derived from the Sanskrit ‘ Manas ’ , meaning ‘ mind ’ — the mental faculty — and ‘ man ’ is understood esoterically as a ‘ vehicle for mind ’ .
14 She competed successfully for a post-doctoral research fellowship at one of the less fashionable women 's colleges .
15 He congratulates himself , however , on auditioning successfully for a part in this Parisian cinema .
16 Only Mr Kenneth Baker , secretary of state for education , said promptly , ’ more money and put in successfully for a rise in the science-research budget .
17 While somewhere through a dark heaven
18 Therefore if during this first shopping trip of your preparation phase you want to pop in somewhere for a drink and a snack ( assuming that this is fairly usual for you ) , go ahead and do it .
19 Let's begin by assuming that your plot actually has somewhere for a garage to stand .
20 If not , she could try to find somewhere for a cup of tea .
21 Why do n't you take the car and drive off somewhere for a few days ?
22 Go away somewhere for a while .
23 Indeed , after our second stop in Bombay a few passengers gratefully chose the option of being one-armed , one-legged , one-eyed , two-headed beggars rather than having to return to their seatettes and fly somewhere for a few months with their hands on their heads .
24 Cos the we er did get people contacting the office to say I 've got a lump sum , I 'd like to put it somewhere for a couple of years , and er we always wondered why they 're thinking of a couple of years .
25 Josie glanced at the old folding travel alarm that she kept open on the makeup table , and said , ‘ I have to go somewhere for a minute .
26 You never know , might be to make enough money to take you out somewhere for a decent Christmas do .
27 " We in Christian Aid are proud to have been in at the start of this magazine which campaigns relentlessly for a better , fairer , environmentally purer and politically more aware world .
28 INCREDIBLY for a railway system that has served the nation for more than 150 years there is still a considerable amount of history either still serving or extant .
29 Following on from this there should be no difficulty in categorising transactions where gift tokens or coupons are exchanged wholly for a product as transactions under the SGSA 1982 ( compare Davies v Customs and Excise Commissioners [ 1975 ] 1 WLR 204 ) .
30 For example , where pragmatics is construed as the study of grammatically encoded aspects of context , we might want to say : ( 18 ) f(s)=c where c is the set of contexts potentially encoded by elements of S i.e. f is a theory that " computes out " of sentences the contexts which they encode Or , alternatively , where pragmatics is defined as the study of constraints on the appropriateness of utterances , we could say : ( 19 ) f(u)=a where A has just two elements , denoting the appropriate vs. the inappropriate utterances i.e. f is a theory that selects just those felicitous or appropriate pairings of sentences and contexts — or identifies the set of appropriate utterances Or , where pragmatics is defined ostensively as a list of topics , we could say : ( 20 ) f(u)=b where each element of B is a combination of a speech act , a set of presuppositions , a set of conversational implicatures , etc. i.e. f is a theory that assigns to each utterance the speech act it performs , the propositions it presupposes , the propositions it conversationally implicates , etc .
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