Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 However , this concern may not be wholly justified as he has been an active member of the CNAA and is known to be a keen supporter of public sector provision and an advocate of breaking down the barriers between the two sectors of higher education .
2 The Government were part of the process of blocking the directive until it was so badly mauled that it is now very different from the one that we first saw and debated in the House a month ago .
3 Jenny Pitman 's Mailcom is also not badly treated but is not certain to stay .
4 Were hoping to get a mini bus , I do n't think we ought take a bus because we were very badly treated when we did that , we do n't to allow ourselves open to that again , but I have written to say were hoping to get enough people to take a mini bus .
5 Nicky Henderson 's Wont Be Gone Long ( 2.20 ) has top weight but is not badly treated considering he beat Lockwood Prince by 15 lengths at Chepstow last May and meets him here on the same terms .
6 Nicky Henderson 's Wont Be Gone Long ( 2.20 ) has top weight but is not badly treated considering he beat Lockwood Prince by 15 lengths at Chepstow last May and meets him here on the same terms .
7 In many cases , identification of workers with the enterprise which employs them may be only weakly formed but again a community of interest may be established at this level , depending perhaps on the degree of ‘ paternalism ’ of the management , the character of employment conditions in the enterprise , and the degree of craft skill or other interesting aspect of work within the enterprise .
8 Where the landlord retains no property adjoining the demised property , the question of party structures will rarely arise as between him and his tenant .
9 This powerful gift was gladly received and subsequently wielded effectively in many battles , earning Sigmar his nickname of Heldenhammer .
10 While al most all the routines work very fast indeed the Circle is amazingly slow , any suggestions as to why would be gladly received as there seems to be no obvious answer .
11 University posts , however , were an attractive means of obliging friends , and a good deal safer , for popular feeling was rarely aroused and it was relatively easy to escape from an importunate friend by arguing that the place had already been promised .
12 We 've always been concerned with self-improvement , slowly re-building and extending our steadings and houses .
13 Moreover , I shall not try to determine what kind of phenomenon consciousness is ; the task here is rather to see whether the machine analogy can give us a way of talking about it , whatever it is .
14 Sara had told her to go to bed , or rather to go and look at the TV programme she wanted to watch .
15 Anyone who knew him will gladly testify that he was a disaster behind a steering wheel .
16 One little push and the whole world 's one , no woman 's better than the next !
17 The Palestinians deepest fear that their cause an independent Palestine was lost in world politics was just one reason for the launch of the Intifada nearly three years ago .
18 ‘ Still , we were only just beaten here , ’ said Hastings , bitterly upset that his team had the match stolen from them when Fox landed his 47-yard penalty with only 35 seconds of normal time left .
19 Not the least of the memorable impressions of the evening is Robert Stephens 's fascinating Falstaff , a guiltily grinning fellow who brings to bear those wonderfully lugubrious vowels of his , swigging sack , emitting little laughs and sly asides .
20 It also requires money to pay for transferring important components or sections of the aircraft structure to a place where they can be properly examined and possibly tested and for the different kinds of structural tests which have to be carried out on undamaged components .
21 My hon. Friend is right to raise those issues and to seek to be satisfied that the proposals are properly examined and fully justified .
22 It is this emphasis on the signifier at the expense of the signified which makes poetics the type of discourse most favoured and fostered by structuralism .
23 If an aggravation occurs i.e. an intensification of the original symptoms , at the end of treatment , then the doses must be reduced in quantity and repeated at longer intervals , or stopped altogether to see if the symptoms will continue to disappear by themselves .
24 All have been duly diagnosed and dealt with — but all have been quite separate from my varied catalogue of imaginary disasters like adolescent appendicitis and last week 's coronary .
25 The tenants , on the other hand , had long since realised that if they could n't boil a kettle or breathe and do all the things normal families do without causing condensation dampness , then there must be something wrong with the houses , not with the people who live in them .
26 Ven exclaimed , ‘ I 've since realised that it was the beginning of the end for me ! ’
27 Leaving aside the commitment to the ‘ duties ’ of the new ‘ Union Citizens ’ ( which the genuinely non-Federalists in the British party presumably dismissed as ‘ meaningless generality ’ ) , the main text , according to the British view , was concerned with economic matters .
28 The written press provides back-up , analysis and in-depth knowledge but rarely encourages or inspires people .
29 But the many complex descriptions of the real social practice of literate and oral modes that are now becoming available suggest that literacy and orality are not so vastly differentiated as these writers claim .
30 The treaty was eventually ratified but the crisis brought down the Kishi government and produced the most widespread political protests of the postwar years .
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