Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At this were his knights little pleased .
2 Indeed , this is the principal imperative of state action and should be energetically yet pragmatically pursued , based on rational calculation of the policies most likely to enhance or protect power and prestige internationally .
3 These beliefs and values may emerge as sayings , slogans , mottos etc. such as ‘ we 're getting there ’ , ‘ the customer is always right ’ , or ‘ the winning team ’ .
4 Think about the antecedent events most conducive to exercise , and the rewards most likely to maintain it .
5 Nevertheless , the College could not have informants everywhere and though some funerals were based on the College 's formularies , the client ensured that the most important hallmarks of a College of Arms funeral — the funerary ‘ achievements ’ — were substituted by objects loosely indicative of them .
6 In doing so they appear to have been guilty of idealizing the origins and early development of an institution which was in later times vastly important but which was , at least in this particular respect , rather less than ideal .
7 The report was by no means as radical as that of Tudor Walters a quarter of a century earlier ; rather it confirmed the pre-war ideal , emphasizing the virtues of family life and the design of houses most likely to foster those virtues ( Bullock , 1987 ) .
8 In essence , that 's all a standalone fax really is — you could say it was a poor quality copier that prints out its copies somewhere remote from the scanning part .
9 Linings Most lightweight sleeping bags are made of the same shell material inside and out .
10 Children of all ages most welcome .
11 C. Wright Mills ( 1956 ) placed the US Presidency at the centre of three closely interconnecting elite groupings : the corporate rich ( from whose ranks most presidential candidates come ) ; the military hierarchy ( for whom the President is commander-in-chief ) ; and the presidential staffs themselves , where senior career civil servants intermingle with corporate executives and political campaign assistants brought into Washington by the successful candidate 's electoral machine .
12 This in itself makes independent operations most unlikely .
13 This technique shows the entities most likely to be mentioned by the reader and , hence , indicates which entities predominate for various reasons .
14 From graffiti to fanzines to indie-pop , that is the glue which fuels most real youth enterprise .
15 I know them to be human creatures made in God 's image too , the womenfolk most lovely and most temperate ( for the most part ) , and I would not abet the evil Spaniard in his slanders .
16 The whole burden of these cuts fell on the colleges of education partly because , as we have seen , their numbers could be swiftly regulated and partly because they were still for the most part institutions predominantly concerned with teacher education .
17 Not that he was a stickler for such things ; he thought courtesy titles rather silly , in fact ; but she always used to call him ‘ Esquire ’ .
18 Police sources said the use of bombs little heavier than a packet of butter could herald a new tactic aimed at beating the roadblocks that have been set up in London for the first time .
19 These of course are the mergers most relevant to the
20 minutes gladly yielding ground , what
21 Mr Edleston said that the products most likely to succeed were those which displayed quality standards , innovation and added value in a unique way at a reasonable price .
22 Although most of us can recognize without difficulty the importance that the emotions play in our lives , the subject has been given little systematic attention by the disciplines most concerned with furthering understanding of human behaviour .
23 If you are feeling particularly energetic , there are tennis courts right next door to the apartments which you can hire for a small charge .
24 Political Islam made its biggest splash not in the Middle East but in distant Algeria , and for reasons wholly unconnected with the Gulf war .
25 I expect to double the yield of Tobacco this harvest , but I am sensible that you desire us to put more land under the cane , this sugar trade being the more profitable at home and the Negroes most apt to its cultivation .
26 Most green vegetables Most nuts Apples Oranges Celery
27 Those authorities most likely to be in need of raising additional finance will be those with large numbers of people on low incomes living within their boundaries .
28 Kansas , North Dakota , Minnesota and Montana were the states most likely to benefit from the legislation .
29 5.2.2 VAT ( or any tax of a similar nature that may be substituted for it or levied in addition to it ) chargeable in respect of any payment made by the Tenant under any of the terms of or in connection with this Lease or in respect of any payment made by the Landlord where the Tenant agrees in this Lease to reimburse the Landlord for such payment The tenant should insure that there is excluded from the tenant 's liability any taxes properly payable by the landlord both in respect of rents received and the landlord 's dealings with the reversionary interest .
30 Sammy , at times rather naive , wanted to remain with us , and walk me home after I parted from Peggy with perhaps a ‘ good-night ’ kiss .
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