Example sentences of "[prep] [subord] give " in BNC.

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1 It looked dismal enough when I saw it , as if given right over to darkness .
2 As we drew near he took a step forward shining his lantern with its green light above his head as if to give the driver the ‘ All Clear ’ .
3 The lathes were serviced with a light oil film , draped in it as if to give them an overcoat protection that would ensure their survival against age and wear .
4 A girl in an apple-green school tunic advanced on me , her hand raised as if to give me a slap .
5 At this moment , as if to give substance to the Collector 's fears , the Magistrate and two planters came running back along the outside of the Residency wall from the direction of the hospital .
6 Without warning she reached her hand sideways and took mine and pressed it , as if to give me courage ; and perhaps to make me identify her with the original , gentle Lily .
7 He paused for a moment as if to give his next words emphasis .
8 He spat on his hands as if to give himself courage , then settled on the wall on his hands and knees .
9 She looked across at him as if giving him a final appraisal and checking for further clues in his face , in his clothes .
10 He repeated the word as if giving it due consideration .
11 ‘ I think it must be your eyes , ’ he said at last , running his own gaze up and down as if giving intimate consideration to every other feature of her body .
12 She drained her glass and swept her arm upwards , palm extended as if giving me a gift .
13 Not close , out a ways , as if giving themselves room to move around in .
14 For the record , trade unions were not seen as being very important , except as giving some sort of ‘ insurance ’ against low wages and loss of employment .
15 Red campion ( Silene dioica ) with its bright red jagged flowers is aptly known as ‘ cock 's comb ’ , while ragged robin Lychnis flos-cuculi is referred to as giving the bright picture of a ‘ marsh spark ’ .
16 And the dying welfare state brought its own newspeak as well : governments ' failure to link child benefit , unemployment pay and so on to the cost of living was the fight against inflation ; putting children on half-time schooling was referred to as giving parents a free hand ; closing hospitals and dumping dying patients on the doorsteps of unwarned and distant relatives was community care ; and a new political movement that saw remedies to the whole predicament , if only the nation 's women would buckle down to traditional role and biological destiny , was known quite simply as FAMILY .
17 And it is on these grounds that the City will make up its mind about whether to give Dixons ' Stanley Kalms a chance or to pocket the £460million on offer from Woolworths ' Geoff Mulcahy .
18 Now he was talking in the context of er of of a , er but it is something that I think the government does need to look at because given the nature of multi-national companies or even the nature of public companies and private companies in this country where there is a public interest , not just in efficiency but also in probity .
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