Example sentences of "[prep] [be] of " in BNC.

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1 For you will learn that none of these things which are admired and sought after are of any good to those who attain them — for when they do get them , the burning heat is just as bad , there is the same tossing about on the sea , the same desire for what they do not have .
2 Whether they will look after our type of clients in the way they are used to being looked after is of course a different question .
3 Just er it might of been of course I had plants through there it might have been
4 Yeah er cover was the one that , after we 'd been through the document , I did find of be of particular interest
5 He may then come to believe that the Created God can be fully capable of fulfilling the need for a ‘ god ’ in some form or other , and of being of immense value to humanity .
6 The Order of Things by contrast points to the emergence of historicity as a mode of understanding , and argues that ‘ History ’ , both as a form of knowledge and as the primary state of being of empirical phenomena — broadly speaking , the assumption of all Marxisms — is itself a historical phenomenon .
7 The earthquake and eruption in 1980 were epic in the strict sense of being of national and supranational proportions .
8 It is claimed that the meaning of existential assertions can be fully clarified only by clarifying the mode of being of the one who makes , and understands , such assertions .
9 Collection of a library of photographs of known and unfamiliar faces that can then be selected on the basis of being of a similar degree of familiarity , of similar appearance , or of similar occupation .
10 The reason given for this conviction has been that assessment , in grading pupils ' performance in any given test , would leave some pupils with a sense of being of less value than others in the class .
11 The words in square brackets have now been repealed by the Local Government ( Miscellaneous Provisions ) Act 1982 , removing the anomaly which prevented local authorities from taking legal action under this section , in respect of odours affecting employees and others who were not inhabitants of the neighbourhood , despite being of the opinion that the odour was sufficiently obnoxious to amount to a nuisance .
12 Shells were among the first substances to be held in high regard despite being of very limited use for practical purposes .
13 About six months ago , our deputy general secretary wrote to Monseigneur , the general secretary of the bishops conference , and er told him that we hoped progress was being made , referred in particular to the degree of consensus that had been a arrived at in the baptism eucharist and ministry document and er also to the difference that had been made by the coming into being of ACTS and its commission on unity faith and order and we had a reply to that er a letter from Monseigneur assuring as that the hierarchy were taking this seriously , that they were discussing it er amongst themselves in Scotland and were also in discussion with Rome on the subject as well .
14 A better characterization of the meaning of the bare infinitive structure in these uses is that it evokes " helping " as direct or active involvement in the bringing into being of the action denoted by the infinitive .
15 Using a computer-aided image analysis technique ( Fourier analysis ) the picture he comes up with is of a membrane composed of individual subunits arranged in a hexagonal lattice .
16 Far from being of a piece with classical theories , computational theories share with early modern ones the nominalism that made them oblivious of what was important in the classical tradition : namely the irreducibility of thought and universals .
17 However , there are also advantages in being of this gender .
18 Normally made of terracotta , to hold the ashes of the deceased , these urns were unusual in being of lead , with lids , and inside having a second container of glass , also lidded , and sealed with stucco .
19 Spurs occur on the legs of many insects and differ from setae in being of multicellular origin .
20 The priority was to get hold of some more men , although they would first have to be trained up to SAS standards before being of any use on operations .
21 Hence the normality of 42 when the dogs referred to are of opposite sexes can not be used as evidence against the existence of two senses of dog , since it can be fully accounted for by claiming that only the general sense is operative .
22 ( Elsewhere , another angry gentleman of the period , Evelyn Waugh , had waited for his children to be of an age to converse with him , before taking an interest . )
23 We need to be of ‘ now ’ and maybe that 's a better way of playing ‘ then ’ .
24 Therefore , informing consciences on the evil social consequences of divorce was seen by them to be of a similar standing to informing the consciences of catholic lay people on the sanctity and indissolubility of Christian marriage .
25 It was basically envisaged to be of national proportions as well as non-denominational , with religious instruction given in separate classes .
26 In the light of W. McCready 's findings in another study that the religious behaviour of the father had a greater impact on children , Greeley considered the fact that catholic schools were having an increasing influence on men to be of significant importance for the future of Roman catholicism in the USA ( 1976 : 173–5 ) .
27 Cook is the most observant woman , and parlourmaids have to be of a noticing cast of mind , otherwise they would n't be any good for the job , would they , sir ? ’
28 Following her arrival , she obtained a temporary job as a nurse in the Hospital of Hope , and this situation was destined to be of great use , not least to her future husband .
29 The temple ritual turned out to be of passing significance to Judaism .
30 If , under Hugh MacLennan , he was able to form his judgment and turn his phrases under the eye of a skilful novelist , in Louis Dudek 's adroit hands he was able to fashion and test his poetic acumen to the full ; both were to be of absorbing interest to him .
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