Example sentences of "[prep] [conj] give " in BNC.

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1 The navy was the guarantee that Great Britain 's interests elsewhere could be looked after and gave her enormous strategical advantages outside Europe .
2 The contract itself recognises usages as well as rules and it seems more likely to me that the rules may , in some cases at any rate , have developed out of and given partial expression to usages rather than that they should indicate the absence of usages beyond what is contained in the rule . "
3 This provokes awareness of and gives practice in those features of language which provide links within sentences or across sentence boundaries : the glue that makes them stick together .
4 ‘ Then you must also realize that for me to do what the Brigadier suggests would be a betrayal of everything my father stood for and gave his life for . ’
5 We decided to buy twenty letter box stickers which I am to send for and give you the cheque to this end .
6 It looked dismal enough when I saw it , as if given right over to darkness .
7 As we drew near he took a step forward shining his lantern with its green light above his head as if to give the driver the ‘ All Clear ’ .
8 The lathes were serviced with a light oil film , draped in it as if to give them an overcoat protection that would ensure their survival against age and wear .
9 A girl in an apple-green school tunic advanced on me , her hand raised as if to give me a slap .
10 At this moment , as if to give substance to the Collector 's fears , the Magistrate and two planters came running back along the outside of the Residency wall from the direction of the hospital .
11 Without warning she reached her hand sideways and took mine and pressed it , as if to give me courage ; and perhaps to make me identify her with the original , gentle Lily .
12 He paused for a moment as if to give his next words emphasis .
13 He spat on his hands as if to give himself courage , then settled on the wall on his hands and knees .
14 She looked across at him as if giving him a final appraisal and checking for further clues in his face , in his clothes .
15 He repeated the word as if giving it due consideration .
16 ‘ I think it must be your eyes , ’ he said at last , running his own gaze up and down as if giving intimate consideration to every other feature of her body .
17 She drained her glass and swept her arm upwards , palm extended as if giving me a gift .
18 Not close , out a ways , as if giving themselves room to move around in .
19 When I got outside I found Mum in the yard , waving her arms about and giving directions to the neighbours whom she was organising for the party .
20 For example , some simple organic solvents such as and give very strong Raman spectra , whereas water gives only very weak scattering , but for each solvent the various allowed bands have similar intensities .
21 Resolution 45/63 expressed concern at Israel 's continuing nuclear build-up and urged all states " not to co-operate with or give assistance to Israel that could enhance its nuclear weapons capability " .
22 ‘ We 've called up the PR firm we normally liaise with and given them the name of the hotel you 're booked into .
23 For example , reacts with and to give the hexachlorometallate salts and it undergoes metathesis reaction with LiBr , Nal , and .
24 These doctors tend to look upon the PHCNs as people they could consult with and give a cold shoulder to the rest of the nurses .
25 The teachers would prescribe the topics to be dealt with and give some account of what the class had done previously .
26 In that giving she found completion and happiness beyond all expectation .
27 These explanations — ones which recognize and respect the meanings that teachers take from and give to their work — are concerned , in turn , with the effects of subject-based pedagogies , subject commitment and subject fragmentation .
28 The day came when the doctors called all the family in and gave her a life sentence .
29 Marie comes back in and gives me a smile .
30 I know the opposition is n't up to much but lets hope he bangs a few goals in and gives Sgt Wilko something to think about .
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