Example sentences of "[noun sg] for us " in BNC.

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1 tried to borrow a bike for us so that we could bike round , but when she
2 Such is the standard of junior sides in this competition that the game appeared to be no more than a formality for us , so our 4–1 defeat came as a complete surprise .
3 ‘ Becoming better at what we do and widening the gap between selling price and manufacturing cost is the only target that will do the trick for us , ’ he declared .
4 ‘ Clearly there is an opportunity for us to grow in Europe as more and more of the automobile is made from plastic and we can pick up a fairly good part of the business ’ , Hobor said .
5 This chapter provides an opportunity for us to state clearly the role and importance of the Teacher Placement Service ( TPS ) , our success and potential role within partnerships .
6 ‘ This was a golden opportunity for us and we 've been kicked out because we were so powder puff up front .
7 ‘ It was a good opportunity for us to develop the application as part of the contract . ’
8 ‘ Being young , we thought , well , here 's an opportunity for us to set up our own business , and to take a group of staff and clients out of AY . ’
9 The College is celebrating its centenary this year and this will be an opportunity for us to give thanks to God for its tremendous work in preparing men and women for christian service at home and abroad .
10 But this Cup tie is a tremendous opportunity for us .
11 There 's a substantial window of opportunity for us , ’ he said .
12 ABC offers the unique opportunity for us to expand in the general trade market and simultaneously take advantage of its very successful relationship with speciality booksellers . ’
13 The merger with Elsevier confirmed this view of our strategic priorities , and the refinancing this month … provides the opportunity for us to complete our withdrawal . ’
14 The WTB 's strategic review is therefore provides a major opportunity for us to clarify our views and influence the Board 's future direction .
15 If we get this right , we can make the productivity gains and reduce the costs , then there is an opportunity for us to progress through incentives with the oil company itself .
16 As we move into the Festive Season , our message to you and your partners is ‘ Thank You ’ you 've helped to turn an ordinary business into one filled with opportunity for us all to reap in the New Year .
17 Our environmental goals should be an opportunity for us , not a hindrance .
18 Our partnership with J. Rothschild Assurance as well as allowing us to extend our competitive advantage of service provision in a major way also provides an opportunity for us to extend our knowledge .
19 First of all it 's erm an opportunity for us to find out a bit more about each other .
20 It will provide an opportunity for us to explain and present our plans for the development of the community health service as an NHS Trust . ’
21 Rotary committee chairman Tony Dennett said : ‘ The lunch is an ideal opportunity for us to provide hospitality to these students who are a long way from home . ’
22 ‘ It will be a golden opportunity for us — we 'll be driving this project like a rocket , ’ said , International 's business manager , fishing , who has moved from America to oversee the European BlueLine build-up .
23 ‘ They 're likely to charge him over the weekend , so Gerry was tipping me the wink there 's no story for us .
24 ‘ Then you still refuse permission for us to marry ? ’
25 ‘ I 've got permission for us to be here , ’ he said .
26 The example engagement letter at 1101.2 includes a request for permission for us to inform the auditors of our appointment .
27 It is a good contract for us .
28 Zen seemed to see again that glare of hostility and hear the Questore murmur , ‘ Until today he was handling the Miletti case for us . ’
29 ‘ Until today he was handling the Miletti case for us . ’
30 He does indeed reveal to us God 's gracious provision for us .
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