Example sentences of "[noun sg] without [adj] " in BNC.

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1 What I wish to suggest is that filling the structural lacuna makes structured talk without higher-order thought look much less likely .
2 A moral practice , on the other hand , is not instrumental to the achievement of any substantive purpose ; it is a practice without extrinsic purpose .
3 A recent British report showed that potentially effective screening tests have been poorly implemented , while other tests have been introduced into practice without adequate evidence of benefit .
4 This information is for guidance only and you should not take action without specific advice .
5 Indeed , the Consumers ' Association have a publication entitled Taking your own case to court or tribunal designed to assist the layman wishing to take his own case rather than instruct solicitors ; but it warns potential litigants that to take on a particularly complicated legal action without legal help would be madness .
6 The government had never been prepared to take any action without incontrovertible proof of a direct relationship between an industrial process and a particular pattern of death , disease or environmental damage .
7 Anyone who has seen the martins and swallows in September , assembling on the telephone wires , twittering , making short flights singly and in groups over the open , stubbly fields , returning to form longer and even longer lines above the yellowing verges of the lanes — the hundreds of individual birds merging and blending , in a mounting excitement , into swarms , and these swarms coming loosely and untidily together to create a great , unorganized flock , thick at the centre and ragged at the edges , which breaks and re-forms continually like clouds or waves — until that moment when the greater part ( but not all ) of them know that the time has come : they are off and have begun once more that great southward flight which many will not survive ; anyone seeing this has seen at work the current that flows ( among creatures who think of themselves primarily as part of a group and only secondarily , if at all , as individuals ) to fuse them together and impel them into action without conscious thought or will : has seen at work the angel which drove the First Crusade into Antioch and drives the lemmings into the sea .
8 In other words , we learn to fulfill the demands of social living without personal resentment .
9 Duncombe Park reserves the right to alter admission charges and the events programme without prior notice .
10 They would certainly have had no chance of financing their programme without large increases both in taxation and in the borrowing requirement .
11 Ghislain Pascal of Survival International says the Amerindians who live in the area have not been told about the logging plans and deplores the fact that " Samling — which has devastated the lands of the Dayak peoples in Sarawak — should ever be able to negotiate a deal without social and environmental impact assessment being carried out . "
12 The drawback of the argument in terms of the uncertainty of outcome , in support of the demand for pure research without beneficial strings , is that evidence in its support seems destined to be anecdotal .
13 Down to earth , where de Villier is more flamboyant , together with Charles Pasqua he was able to muster the anti-establishment vote without rabble-rousing insults .
14 Nobel Prizewinner Professor Brian Josephson , a Cambridge physicist , believes there may be similarities between healing and telepathy as examples of non-local interaction — that is , causing an effect without visible physical means ( local interaction would involve conventional energy/matter interacting , like talking on the telephone ) .
15 They made it clear also , as they had to do because of the rules by which we work , that no such change could be put into effect without formal consultation and the consent of both Houses .
16 To find out who one of our own DGSE agents really is — ’ He waved his hand dismissively ‘ — is a near impossibility without inside information .
17 Moreover , patients with the most severe cirrhosis without oesophageal varices had substantially higher laminin concentrations than the least severe ones with varices , suggestingthat it is liver dysfunction and not portal hypertension that is associated with the increased laminin concentrations .
18 The only alternative was that Poland should maintain itself as an ‘ ethnographic monument without political significance ’ .
19 From the nature conservation viewpoint there could be substantial gains if significant areas of the uplands reverted to a more natural condition without agricultural management , providing that forestry intervention on a large scale ( as agricultural land values fell ) was prevented .
20 Laser treatment was considered to be successful if symptoms caused by intraluminal tumour were reduced to an extent that enabled the patient to lead a lifestule appropriate to his or her age and general condition without constant concern for bowel function .
21 Neither of these countries , poor as they are , can hope to recoup these losses and develop in the future without external assistance .
22 David Howes , 18 , of Whingrove , Thornaby , was convicted of driving a motor car without due care and attention , fined £100 plus £20 costs , licence endorsed , six points .
23 John Henry Northmore , 29 , of Bennison Street , Guisborough , was convicted of driving a car without due care when he appeared at Easingwold Magistrates ' Court .
24 Paul Collins McInnes , 23 , of High Street , Great Ayton , admitted driving motor car without due care and attention and failing to report an accident , fined £150 , licence endorsed .
25 Colin Eeles , 44 , of Budworth Close , Billingham , admitted driving motor car with excess alcohol in breath , driving motor car without due care and attention , failing to stop after accident and failing to report accident , fined £1,000 plus £25 costs , licence endorsed , disqualified for three years .
26 Part of the reason for this is closure without major replacement .
27 I say without qualification that home rule without proportional representation would not be home rule at all , and I would not support any measure to bring devolved government to Scotland which did not have PR as its centrepiece , for , however desirable it would be to create a Parliament in Edinburgh , to create one as unfair and undemocratic as that which we have here would be a betrayal of the people of Scotland .
28 Other common law jurisdictions have abandoned the rule without adverse consequences .
29 At common law , affray consisted of fighting in public to the terror of innocent bystanders , or the display of force without actual violence but with the same effect on bystanders .
30 He said : ‘ We can not use force without disproportionate risk to the lives of civilians and our armed forces . ’
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