Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Parcel bombs sent in early 1990 to a retired Army officer in Valencia , to a prosecutor who had investigated the 1987 Barcelona supermarket bombing [ see p. 35851 ] , and to the Interior Minister , José Luis Corcuera , were defused .
2 The glass ceramic that is used , contains a mixture of iron oxide and calcium silicate contained in a glass matrix which has a good tissue response .
3 For some years in the public sector and just beginning in the university sector , we see academics willing to have their teaching activities subjected to the face-to-face evaluation and commentaries of their peers .
4 He lit the hurricane lamps set in brass wall-brackets and found a pressure lamp for the dining table .
5 He is wearing a blue tunic and around his shoulders is a fur cloak made of the skins of the hyrax .
6 The report compares UK pesticide policy with pesticide reduction policies adopted in Denmark , Sweden and the Netherlands .
7 Obediently the noise level dropped to a whispered exchange , and Larsen ran his eye over the sea of faces packing the long corridor on either side , trying to pick out his daughter Karen .
8 The motility indices obtained from the different recording sites were averaged to obtain only one basal and one postprandial motility index for each patient .
9 The projected deficit reduction depended on government revenue rising 22 per cent in 1989 , and on spending increasing by only 15 per cent .
10 What distinguished my article , through , from the observations of those trail-blazing precursors was that it acknowledged the presence not only of the ( nonsemiological , non- ‘ signreading ’ ) public but also of the collective bliss which , whatever my own sense of alienation , the theme park experience generated among the public .
11 Our findings suggest that tumour activity is not a major cause of the lowered serum cholesterol values seen in most of our patients .
12 It is being established with grant money provided by a number of research bodies and trusts , including the Wolfson Foundation and the Cancer Research Campaign .
13 The indexes are grouped to form a hierarchical structure whose root is the Master Level Index shown in figure 2.1 .
14 The Chief Fire Officer advises us that the attendance times to the areas I have mentioned are regularly over the response times allowed by the standards of fire cover .
15 But as soon as Blanco had dummied past a static defence Lions countered with their second try , in first-half injury time .
16 Rossiskaya gazeta of May 14 carried budget plans approved by the Supreme Soviet and dated April 4 , which set the RF budget deficit in the first quarter of 1992 at Rbs. 67,500 million .
17 In the city of Algiers the 10th Paratroop Division commanded by General Jacques Massu decimated the FLN organization , thanks , in part , to an extensive use of torture .
18 Space filled user password supplied to PI .
19 In recognition of the distinguished service there of Keith Andrews , the Department has now been named after him , and its purchase grant increased by £10,000 .
20 Presence of the base change associated with the temperature-sensitive phenotype [ 16 ] was confirmed .
21 The proposed gala contained many elements of reunification activities organized by Southern dissidents but banned by the government .
22 Bike Ban Abandoned ?
23 Subsequently all four men were convicted of smuggling and their defence counsel stated in court in their defence that they were " the dupes and pawns in a high powered enterprise while the real criminals behind the racket were getting away scot free . "
24 Defence counsel called in psychologist Olive Tunstall to give an independent opinion .
25 As you walk through the industrial towns you lose yourself in labyrinths of little brick houses blackened by smoke , festering in planless chaos round miry alleys and little cindered yards where there are stinking dustbins and lines of grimy washing and half-ruinous w.c.s. … at their very worst the Corporation houses are better than the slums they replace .
26 In Paradise Street , in particular , weavers ' workshops can be seen on the top storeys of brick houses built early in the nineteenth century .
27 When next affronted by speculative brick houses aggrandised by wrongly scaled and detailed plastic ‘ classical ’ columns , you might ruminate that the Encyclopaedists got it right .
28 There are no outstanding houses but the lines of brick houses grouped around the central green and round smaller greens in other parts of the village form a pleasing composition .
29 7,000 teargas cans found in car
30 7,000 teargas cans found in car
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