Example sentences of "[conj] should [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Major questions about the individual and society have preoccupied thinkers in all periods of history : the philosophers of Ancient Greece and Rome reflected upon the way society operated and/or should operate , and for centuries afterwards social and political theorists and philosophers applied themselves to similar questions .
2 Or should want to know .
3 No court can or should give him direction on such a matter .
4 No court can or should give him direction upon such a matter .
5 In other proceedings , however , the limitation period of six years gives , or should give , the local authority ample time to sue even after an appeal against their demand .
6 But all this did not yet add up to a widespread expectation in London that Anglo-American relations would or should retain their wartime intimacy .
7 No one could or should pretend that nursing in the future will resemble nursing in the past .
8 There was some slight discussion whether the British should keep Canada or should choose the large French sugar islands like Martinique and Guadeloupe ; very few politicians close to the centre of power thought of giving Canada back to France , but the issue underlined the fact that Canada was unlikely to provide much revenue for the British treasury directly , and certainly would not provide the amount of revenue that sugar for re-export would give at a time when Britain used for consumption or for manufacture all that her West Indian islands could produce .
9 No set of contract conditions can or should protect the seller totally against his own incompetence .
10 Neither lexicographers nor political theorists can or should hope to halt this process of constant revision , although they may legitimately aspire to guide or nudge it in one direction rather than another .
11 It is also what your collection people , sales people , delivery people and the grapevine tell you or should tell you about your customers .
12 The most that Europe can hope to achieve , or should aim for , is an expanded economic free trade area made up of sovereign states all contributing to a cultural diversity that is economically stable and ecologically sustainable .
13 Excuses not to do the work we think we might or should do , excuses not to be kind or considerate or whatever it is we feel we should be ?
14 The mark of the adjudicator is simply that he is called upon to decide what parties in dispute should have done or should do in the circumstances of a particular case .
15 For example , if users hold excessive expectations about whether accounts can indicate subsequent financial collapse , that will create an expectations gap regardless of what auditors can or should do about it .
16 If duties are what you must or should do , wishes are what you want to do .
17 Sometimes this is no more than a description of what has to be done but sometimes it incorporates how the operator does it or should do it .
18 You own two very expensive fish , or should do if they 've survived their last attack of acne .
19 And the final balance represents the position at the end of the or should do .
20 Manners change , and the verdict must ultimately rest on the jury 's sense of what their own community would or should tolerate on environmental grounds at a particular moment in social history .
21 Arguments may continue at varying levels about what completing the internal market does or should mean .
22 Those with lower incomes pay , or should pay , a lower share of their income in tax .
23 I do not believe that Scotland can or should avoid its international obligations , but I object to the fact that we are apparently being singled out as the one country that will be the nuclear laundry for everyone else .
24 Parents , it is proposed , will determine whether a particular school should opt out of Local Authority control , or should stay in .
25 Now going back into the Hebrew scriptures , you 'll find there that this sort of staying awake counsel , an idea was there long before the days of Jesus and the Apostles and people 's lives were involved in its state , even in those days , let's just let us have a look at one , Isaiah forty two eighteen to twenty now this terms it slightly different , but when you look at it and analyze it , you realize he 's talking about exactly the same thing , it 's regarding the nation of Israel who turned away from Jehovah , they were n't doing what they should be doing , or should 've been doing as he 's pleading with them look there , that look here , here you deaf ones , well we know the nation of Israel were n't all physically deaf , they were like we are , perhaps had a few deaf individuals amongst them , but
26 But he said Labour did not agree that Britain could or should abandon development , either for itself or for the developing world .
27 It is difficult to distinguish cause and effect ; and even if we could be sure that the low level of orienting in the pre-exposed subjects was responsible for their retarded conditioning , it would still be necessary to explain why it is that the OR should return when reinforced training begins .
28 Until comparatively recently there was a general belief or tacit agreement within the community that the later years of life were a time of " all passion spent " — that sex stopped or should stop with the menopause in women and that it continued into later years only in old men who were awarded the epithet " dirty " .
29 The analysis reveals the information that could or should exist if the model is a fair reflection of the real world activity .
30 It is inappropriate to act as though consensus exists ( or should exist ) over good practice , and doubly inappropriate to expect conformity to a particular version of it .
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