Example sentences of "[conj] can [adv] " in BNC.

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1 — With Mr. Gould all this is very different — he has sufficient to live on , whether his subscribers pay or not , & can well afford the innumerable little expenses of printing — but for poor I — I have just nine and twenty times resolved to give up Parrots & all — & should certainly have done so — had not my good genius with vast reluctance just 9 & 20 times set me a going again . ’
2 Your elderly widowed parent may not only be losing her close companion , friend and confidant ( and , if she is still sexually active , as some woman are , well into the sixties and beyond , her lover ) , but also the one she depended upon for financial advice , physical protection in an increasingly violent society , and transport if she does not drive herself or can no longer afford to run a car .
3 To draw unemployment benefit in an off-season a seasonal worker must show he has already had , or can reasonably expect to obtain , a substantial amount of employment during the current off-season — normally at least one quarter of that period .
4 If , also , market failures are relatively unimportant , or can adequately be offset by other policies , then on balance , privatization is likely to be desirable .
5 They should be reminded too that canned baked beans in tomato sauce are highly nutritious and can be a quick and convenient addition to many main meals or can even make quite a good meal on their own if they are served on buttered toast .
6 Occasionally , you will meet a brute that refuses to pull away , or can even break or lift the root .
7 A later Murdoch novel , The Sea , the Sea ( 1978 ) , explores in the same unblinking fashion an aspect of human selfhood from another angle : its ageing hero , living cheerfully for himself and cooking dishes that hardly anyone else would want to eat , suddenly rediscovers a lost love , is deranged enough to kidnap her , fails to regain her love in captivity and is forced to accept , by the end , that his old self-sufficient life is all there is or can ever be .
8 Postwar economic growth , especially in the past decade of celebration of free enterprise and markets , has generated a more or less universal acquisitiveness , and it is far from evident that in circumstances in which the desires which have been aroused can not be gratified , or their pursuit breeds disillusionment , socialism , historically grounded in the labour movement , does or can now provide a new direction .
9 Buildings — and not just historic ones — represent energy , labour and materials , which either can not be replaced or can only be replaced at enormous cost .
10 They 'll want to spend time looking at equipment they ca n't afford or can only just run to and will be at some stage of agonising over whether to buy or not .
11 The point being that because the income is within Case V relief for the 35 per cent is only available or can only be available by way of concession as s687(1) states that it applies in lieu of ss348 or 349 which are Case III Schedule D payments .
12 Liquidity is the degree to which the company assets are in the form of cash or can readily be converted into cash .
13 Liquidity is the degree to which the company assets are in the form of cash or can readily be converted into cash .
14 She is saying that this good thing , this knowledge , can be used — to tell us , for example , that Amis is not a Tudor writer : but she is rather more moved to say at the same time that it ca n't or can hardly be used , devoted as she is to the thought of a separation between , in this case , Amis 's friendships and politics , his life — and his art .
15 This is another programme in which we explore the boundaries of science , limits to what we know , or can possibly discover .
16 That does not equate universities with polytechnic colleges nor university education with technical training , nor can any overlap between the two negate the essential difference in kind between them .
17 A ward of court can not be taken out of the jurisdiction of the court , nor can any change be made in his or her position in life , without leave of the court .
18 In 1703 Bishop Nicholson records a Churchwarden 's remark characteristic of the sturdy independence of Dalesmen , ‘ Except the Vicar and the Schoolmaster , we have not a Gentleman among us , nor can any remember the time we had a Beggar . ’
19 In any case , no piece made before 1945 may be legally exported , nor can any work of art by a deceased artist .
20 Nor can any reconstructed , facsimile wilderness ever approach the condition of nature as it was before human influence became dominant .
21 The point , therefore , is to validate Marxism , to show that it is not simply a method of interpretation , nor even that it is the best method of interpretation that can most successfully account for the facts and the course of history , but to prove a priori that history works according to dialectical structures , and to demonstrate ‘ the moments of their inter-relations , the ever vaster and more complex movement which totalises them and , finally , the very direction of the totalization , that is to say , the ‘ meaning of History ’ and its Truth , ( I , 69 ) .
22 The problem is to identify those cases that can most benefit from a further investigation .
23 Evidence for buildings that can most probably be associated with the civilian town is slight .
24 The curriculum is skewed towards the practical subjects that can most easily be integrated into economic production — the sciences , engineering , mechanics and health studies .
25 We need one more equation between our variables that can again be provided by Gauss 's law .
26 Hyde mentions a program that can automatically provide precis of news stories , but does not point out that it can attempt to do this only for a restricted range of stories .
27 The Redwood Shores , California-based company claims DDS/Patrol is an object-oriented systems management tool that can automatically monitor and management distributed applications , databases and systems .
28 The Redwood Shores , California-based company claims DDS/Patrol is an object-oriented systems management tool that can automatically monitor and management distributed applications , databases and systems .
29 First , a process that can automatically choose to diverge must be identified with
30 I repeat that there is no system that can automatically preclude evil people getting into positions of power over vulnerable people .
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